Anon post by a sister - please comment with care and - TopicsExpress


Anon post by a sister - please comment with care and consideration~ Slmz Its been 4 years this September since my divorce. And I’d like to share the experiences of my journey over these past 4 years. Its been nothing short of great challenges, being subjected to ridicule, endless questions, and rejection from society. My marriage showed me life like I never in my wildest dreams would have imagined it to be. There was emotional, verbal and physical abuse. The worst was the verbal and emotional abuse. I lived in a constant state of fear, never knowing what I might do that will spark the fury of my ex Once my marriage dissolved, I was a broken, fearful, lady who had lost her confidence, trust and faith in human kind, more specifically in men. I was afraid and paranoid, and never did anything by myself. I could not bring myself to laugh, or do the things I once loved. I’d wake up in the middle of the night crying in fear. I would snap at anyone over anything. I’d become angry, and perhaps in a way lashed out at people. My spirit had died in a sense. In the past few years I took time to heal, to connect with my creator on a deeper spiritual level which provided me with a peaceful mind, and calmer spirit. I began taking care of my body, by adopting a healthier eating plan and lifestyle, this renewed my confidence in myself and restored my belief that, yes I am a beautiful creation of Allah. I revived relationships with family and friends, during my marriage I was not allowed to keep in contact with family and friends. I got to travel a bit, experienced a different culture, and discovered a foreign land, this gave me hope of the endless possibilities and opportunities that lie ahead of me. My experience changed me forever, yet I have grown stronger, become fiercely independent, assertive, and regained my confidence. It was Allahs plan for my life, but the important thing is when the time came, Allah took me out of that situation. I do know, there are good men in this world, I see good men in my family, at work and in my circle of friends. There was a time when I was completely opposed to ever getting married again, however today I make dua that Allah grants me a pious, good, decent companion. I dont know if it’s in Allahs plan for me to get remarried, but I do know that I will continue to enjoy my life as much as I can. To my fellow sisters who are currently experiencing difficulties within your marriage or are facing the probability of divorce, and feel helpless, and afraid, I just want you to know there is most certainly life after a divorce; it’s what you make of the situation.
Posted on: Wed, 08 Oct 2014 10:40:40 +0000

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