AnonymousMay 22, 2013 at 12:02 PM I Will Cause My Face to Shine - TopicsExpress


AnonymousMay 22, 2013 at 12:02 PM I Will Cause My Face to Shine Upon You [ February 19, 2013] I believe. We believe. It shall be done. I will cause your enemies to fall back. I will cause My face to shine upon you with favor. I will restore. Moreover, I am doing a work in the earth that is unprecedented. You catch this understanding by the Holy Spirit.... This is why the weights and burdens must be cast into the sea--because I am coming. Have understanding, for this is an intense time, a time of intense activity by heaven in the lives of men. Now I am moving forward. Come along with Me. I hold you by the hand, the hand of My mighty power. I enfold you in My love, My everlasting love. I take you into the new era and I give you My blessing without reproach. We start fresh now. We begin again, anew. So brighten your countenance, cause your face to be washed and shine. Start anew in your heart, because your God has made everything different now. A fresh start. Believe. Receive.... Beyond Your Wildest Expectations - January 5, 2013 Oh, be joyful! If you knew, if you only knew, only knew, what heaven has prepared for those who love their God. It is so good, beyond your imagining and past your wildest expectations. I am exuberant. Imagine seeing Me in My resplendency. Imagine going to vast worlds unknown as a true time traveler. See yourself knowing Me as I AM, the One your heart was made for. Many delights are prepared for you but the best is in knowing Me, your God. Transfiguration -- December 26, 2012 Oh, be joyful! Oh, rejoice, My children, because the Lord has done great things for thee. I have caused you to have life and life abundantly. Therefore I will reward you with My glory, My word of satisfaction, My stamp of purity, as in the Transfiguration of Jesus, which took place on a prayer mountain. Listen to Me: this is for you. Philippians says we are to follow in the steps of Jesus, the life pattern of Jesus, and so it is. Everything that He lived, you live. So rejoice with Me that your transfiguration is coming and is. It will be manifest and cause Me much joy. Amen. A Feast of Gods Presence -- December 23, 2012 Come! Come to the feast of My love, in My presence. Indeed, enter in. Choose to come into that intimacy with Me that transcends all understanding and can be a heaven on earth for you. Enter in, My beloved. The door is open and no man can shut it. There lies your blessing and satisfaction, your souls delight and your salvation. I am your God. Come unto Me. Amen. From : comingofhisglory/Latest%20Prophecy.htm the synchronicity of this with OPPT happenings is unmistakable to me, very encouraging, definitely worth sharing ... Blessings 2 ALL- 7freemom SHEKINAHS SHINING! One of the most original religious creations of the Hellenistic period is the personification of wisdom as the Shekinah. In Greek form, Sophia as a divine and personfied entity appears comparatively late in the Hermetic writings. This feminine counterpart of God plays a major role in the metaphors of polar dynamics in the Tree of Life. In Proverbs, Shekinah declares that Yahweh created her before the oldest of his works, that she was firmly set from the beginning, before earth came into being. This echoes the notion of a virtual state prior to and underlying physical manifestation, a virtual matrix of formation.. Wisdom emerged from the Lords mouth. Among the realm of Jewish-inspired intermediate beings between man and God, Shekinah was elevated to supreme authority, the mediatrix. She is divine immanence. ionamillersubjects.weebly/sacred-geometry.html
Posted on: Fri, 22 Nov 2013 20:38:57 +0000

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