Another Callie post haha shocker!!! :) - Most men are attracted - TopicsExpress


Another Callie post haha shocker!!! :) - Most men are attracted to women. Most women are attracted to men. . .(and chocolate!! haha). . . and then theres me. . .and I happen to get the SPIDERS attracted to me. There I was, going about any old regular college student day-- slept through my alarm, showed up late to class (which I actually happened to get lucky and showed up at the best possible moment), attended three lectures back to back, and then walked over to the tennis facility where I collapsed onto the team room couch to take a 27 minute nap before my private lesson. After my lesson, I drove home, threw some laundry into the washing machine, and then into the shower. . . well, bathtub. . . (side note: bathtubs are quite possibly the best thing EVER when you are freezing half to death in this ice cold weather). As I moved the shower curtains out of the way, a big ol spider dropped down to the tile floor ready to attack-- its black fangs twitching, cream-colored body poised with front legs raised--- of course I FREAKED!!!!!!! Jumping back, I hit the back of my head on the wall, almost slipped to my death, and then. . . it happened. . the spider flung itself towards me and I was weaponless. No shoes, no clothes, no nothing!!! Screaming, i almost tripped trying to clamber out of the bathtub, and then I twisted the water on and sprayed the dang thing until it slowly disappeared down the drain. Shivering now with cold AND fear, I finished my bath, got dressed, folded my laundry, and sat down to study. Out of the corner of my eye, I see something move. I look down, and to my horror, ANOTHER spider!!! This time it was crawling across my backpack which was planted right next to my bare feet. And it wasnt crawling on just any part of my bag, but directly on the small pocket on the front where I keep all my pens and pencils. I couldnt shake my bag, because if I did, the spider could potentially disappear into the black hole of the unzipped pocket, and I would never EVER be able to reach my hand down there again. As Im thinking this, the spider disappears down there anyways!! The blood drains from my face as I think Oh no!! Im too late!! Idiot! Suddenly the spider resurfaced for a split second, and i did the first thing that came to my mind. I got a brief wind of courage and whacked it from my bag with my hand---but I missed!!!! It was still there!!! I could hear the adrenaline pumping through my veins as I felt my chances quickly slipping away. I smacked it again, and this time it fell to the floor, an inch away from my big toe. (for those of you who havent seen my place, I have a make-shift bed of blankets laid out on the floor for watching netflix, tv, etc., and that darn spider made its way underneath them as soon as it hit thee floor!) There was no way I was going to let that spider escape for a second time. I speedily (but ever so carefully) lifted the corner of the blanket, but the sucker was gone!!!! GONE!!!!!! In fear I flew the entire blanket back as fast as I could, hoping to somehow thwart its escape plan, and then as I threw it back, the spider flew back with it. I watched wide-eyed as it flew through the air and thumped back onto the carpet next to another blanket. This time however, it wasnt so lucky. I grabbed my pen and sliced the thing in half---had to do it twice because that stupid thing was a fighter! For the next few hours I was oversensitive to everything. Every hair out of place on my skin and every tingling sensation was most certainly a spider (weve all been here and felt this, lets be honest). After a while, everything went back to normal, and I began the process of folding and putting away my laundry. I got to changing my bedding, and was thrilled to put on my clean fleece blankets and sheets to keep me warm at night. I was bent over the bed smoothing out the wrinkles when I felt a little piece of hair slide over and tickle my eyebrow. I tilted my head up to shake it out of the way ---and there IT was. . another one!!! And directly next to my head!!!!!!! I could have kissed it it was so close!!!!! The white spider was hanging by a single silk thread connected to the ceiling above my bed. Those goosebumps---the paralyzing kind of goosebumps and shivers rushed from the top of my head, down my spine, and to the bottoms of my feet. I stood there, glued to the carpet, not believing my eyes. There was no WAY!!! Three!!??? Three in a row!??? The spider hovered up and down on the strand, flicking its disgusting legs in every direction. One moment, I thought it was going to land on my clean blanket, and the next I thought it was just gonna sit there and torment me for awhile. It seemed to finally make a decision, and I watched it begin its journey back to the top of my ceiling. OH NO YOU DONT! I thought, You are DEAD! I hesitated leaving it alone for even a minute as I raced into the bathroom to rip off a bundle of toilet paper, but I did it anyways. That thing had to DIE!!!! The spider was almost out of arms reach when I got back into the room. I guided it downwards towards the bed so I could smash it, and right when I had it where I wanted it---Splat. Hah hah Sucker!!! I muttered. And then I saw it crawling on the toilet paper wad!!!! I hadnt killed it!! I yelped and threw the bundle at the bed. It scurried across my blanket and I grabbed the paper again. No more chances. This time, I had to make sure that I killed it. I covered the little devil with the toilet paper, but was too nervous to look and see if I had really gotten it. Instead, I charged over to the toilet and chucked the entire wad, spider and all, into the toilet bowl. Lucky for me, the spider was still moving around after Id flung it into the water---good thing I hadnt checked first--- and then I flushed it down the toilet with no remorse. (Shiver) EEESSHHHH!!! I HATE SPIDERS!!!!! And thats my story. My theory that spiders are attracted to me, or that I attract spiders, has been confirmed. No ifs, ands, or butts about it!!!!!
Posted on: Tue, 26 Nov 2013 04:58:38 +0000

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