Another Christian imprisoned abroad is Saeed Abendini. If you - TopicsExpress


Another Christian imprisoned abroad is Saeed Abendini. If you think Meriam is bad... Sudan imprisoning a physician, and sentencing her to death merely for staying firm in her conviction to be a follower of Christ... something shes done for a long, long time... consider this: Saeed Abendini had been to Iran multiple times to build orphanage(s) AT THE REQUEST OF THE IRANIAN GOVERNMENT! That is what he was doing this time - when they decided that a hearing hed had in the past regarding sharing his Christian faith... was not valid. It would be akin to you being charged with a crime, sentenced, and done... then years later... arrested for the very same crime - I dont mean doing it again - I mean the one they charged you for in the past. Then... changing the sentence, and imposing strict penalties. This man was attempting to help the unwanted children of his native land. Yes, he WAS Iranian, but he became an American. He IS an American. And, what is our State Department doing? They had to be literally SHAMED by a few of our representatives at a hearing before theyd even seriously talk with his wife! They could have said free Saeed before well talk about lifting any sanctions! Instead, it is just like with the Taliban, it appears our President thinks other nations are better than we are - that they deserve more consideration than we... and our fellow citizens do. In his case - other people always come first - no matter how heinous their behavior. Iran... well... do any remember me posting back when our President did something which elicited VERY similar results as to his release of the Taliban 5? When he made that deal with Iran... a terrorist nation... our Senators and Representatives were shocked and upset! By the way, times up. Where do we stand now with Iran? Time is up - because according to our own Senate committee, Iran could have a nuclear device by now. Im sorry. It brings me no pleasure - really - to say this - but our President and Secretary of State are ignorant. Either that - or they are treasonous. Why? Iran cant be trusted. While Secretary Kerry was signing papers with Iranian leaders, their Parliament was meeting, and saying in unison Death to America! They still believe Israel is the little Satan and we are the big Satan. Their goal is our destruction. Our desires otherwise do not change their view/goals/desires. And... an American pastor sets in jail... having just been hospitalized... then removed and beaten! Imagine if we did that?! Yet, where is our outrage?! Where is N.O.W. to speak on behalf of Meriam?! Why isnt our President speaking on behalf of Saeed?! Why did we trade 5 Taliban... 2 of whom were wanted on international crimes... Yep - thats right - we released them... when the world wanted to see them tried!!!! We could have gotten Bowe Bergdahl. That is what soldiers who were there say. I believe them! By the time we hear anything from our government - it will be OLD news. After all, his reintegration has an indefinite period of time... and he will not be investigated as to the events surrounding his capture until that is completed. In other words, NO SWIFT JUSTICE. I guarantee you that our military knows what is going on. In fact, Id be surprised if they havent known all along. And.. speaking of our military? Well, maybe Ill save that one for another post... or even another day. BTW, from what I understand, Meriam is also on the Be Heard projects website. There are so many petitions, I just encourage all to make sure you sign the ACLJs first - before any others. Anyway, here is Saeeds webpage: beheardproject/saeed Please understand. Im not speaking of those who are citizens of other nations. If I was, Id speak about the hundreds of Christians who are being murdered - almost daily - in Nigeria by Muslims. (Yes, that same place where the hundreds of Christian schoolgirls have been kidnapped and forced to convert... or die... or be sold as slaves... or perhaps that regardless...) Or, Id speak of the Christians being murdered in Central African Republic, who are fighting back, and receiving condemnation from the world - akin to the response Israel receives when it tries to protect its land and people. Im telling you... the world is starting to boil over! Wed better choose now whom we will serve, and with whom we will ally ourselves. Joshua 24 ends with this well-known sentence But I and my family will worship the LORD!” The LORD as stated in most translations of the Bible, is actually the word YHWH. And, I find it interesting... the name Israelis call Jesus... is Yeshua. Know what that is in English? Yep - Joshua. So... we have a preliminary story involving Joshua... being dedicated to The God YHWH.... and then YHWHs own Son... showing us how to live... the same way... dedicating our houses... and our lives... to YHWH... forever. Please be careful! The time has already come for testing of many. Many in China and N. Korea and... and... and... all around the world... are being tested... and standing firm. If threatened with your very life... would you convert to Islam, or remain a Christian? And, if you choose to not worship either or any god... the choice is yours. But, I can assure you The God, YHWH, does exist, and He knows you do... and He loves you... and he wants you to spend eternity with Him. But, you have to want it as well. My God, YHWH, is VERY patient. The Bible describes his patience as long-suffering, because he is willing to suffer long for us... waiting for as many to be saved as truly want to be... but... our time is coming to an end. And... so is my time on here tonight, I fear. Sadly, because I really wanted to finish a dedication to my Dad, but... I guess it may have to wait... until 1 or 2 or even 3 medication doses in the future.
Posted on: Mon, 16 Jun 2014 03:08:14 +0000

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