Another Letter to the Editor published today on News Egypt eNews. - TopicsExpress


Another Letter to the Editor published today on News Egypt eNews. This is an email news alert system. Here is the letter: Dear Editor, The death of Senator Frank Lautenberg set in motion a chain of events that resulted in an extremely short period of time to gather signatures to be placed on the ballot of the special primary that will be held on Tuesday, August 13, 2013. Only the well oiled political machines would be able to gather enough signatures, thus leaving the primary voters with the usual choices. Congress already has enough lawyers, doctors, career politicians and businesspeople turned activists. Voter turnout at the special primary is expected to be extremely low. This presents a unique opportunity for the middle class of NJ. The middle class could take control of this election. I am asking voters of both parties to go to the polls that day and write in JACK A TROTTA as your personal choice. Wouldn’t it be great to have an average middle class New Jerseyan representing you in Washington? Someone who worries about the same things you do. For example: The cost of everything is continuously going up but my take home pay has been cut, how do I provide for my family? How many part-time jobs do the people in Washington expect me to work to try to keep my head above water? I can’t make ends meet now, what happens if I lose my job or get hurt and have to rely on even lower income from unemployment or disability payments? I am an average middle class New Jerseyan. I am 50 years old and have been married to my wife Kathy for almost 29 years. We have 2 children and we both work full time to provide for our family. Yet we still struggle. We need someone that will work tirelessly for the middle class. I am that person. The economic collapse of a few years ago and the so-called recovery that followed has been devastating to the middle class. The biggest thing that the middle class needs is secure, good paying jobs. While government doesn’t actually create jobs, government can set policies to encourage job growth. We need incentives for people to start businesses and hire others. How do we pay for these incentives? Simple, we cut the amount of money that we send to other nations around the world and use that money. Another initiative to encourage job growth is the review and renegotiation of every trade agreement we have with other countries. We need to look at the trade agreements and corresponding import duty rates (tax to bring merchandise into the country). By adjusting the import tax rate and renegotiating agreements we can encourage the development of better paying jobs in the USA and here in NJ in particular. I encourage everyone to follow me on facebook at Jack A Trotta for US Senate and to write me in on August 13th at both the democrat and republican primaries. Together we can obtain a real voice for the middle class. I want to be that voice. As US Senator I pledge that I will be in and around NJ, listening to the people whenever Congress is not in session. Sincerely, Jack A Trotta
Posted on: Sun, 23 Jun 2013 02:28:30 +0000

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