Another MOS Success Story! Jamie walked in our door on our - TopicsExpress


Another MOS Success Story! Jamie walked in our door on our first day of business and told me he was serious about getting his health in order. 40 years old with two young kids, he knew he had to change some things. Hed already quit the smokes and next on the list was getting rid of the drinking and the belly that came with it. He signed up to work both with me (Joe) on training and Amanda on his nutrition. Fast forward four months and Jamie has: - Completely changed the way he eats - Gone from two cartons a week down to a six pack a week - Lost 12kg in body weight - Gained 4cm on his arms - Successfully eliminated back pain that forced him out of his profession several years ago - Stabilised a knee that had been problematic and stopped him from competing in sport for nearly 20 years - Gone from being able to do 3 shaky push ups to 14 perfect push ups - Gone from doing zero chin ups to 5 chin ups - Has NEVER missed a scheduled session, three days per week. In fact, Jamies transformation in health is has been so outstanding that hes now set his sights on the opposite goal to what he came in with - now its time to start stacking on some slabs of muscle! Anyone who knows me know that this makes me very excited. Theres nothing I like better than making people bigger and stronger. These results ARE typical when you combined focus, determination, work ethic, smart nutrition and logical programming. My hat is well and truly off to Jamie. He has stuck with it, trusted us that we knew what we were doing when the scale wasnt moving and stayed the course. Now he reaps the rewards. Jamie, Im proud to call you a client and a friend.
Posted on: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 03:36:11 +0000

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