Another Mannix Adventure brought to you by.. Mannix. Oh where - TopicsExpress


Another Mannix Adventure brought to you by.. Mannix. Oh where to begin? Lets start with walking the Dinkmeister....I was barely awake and out we go for Dinks walk. Evidentally, there were three other dogs being walked at the same time....Dink does his business and as we are headed back in...JERK goes his leash.....DOWN goes the Mannix! I landed palms out, and bad knee down. I saw on the sidewalk grabbing my knee...moaning...No, not my knee....No, not my knee. Dink still on leash which was attached to my hand comes back and sniffs me! Sigh....I wondered If it was broken AGAIN but figured I would not have been able to walk it if was broken. I made it up....all the time looking for the OTHER DOGS and THEIR OWNERS..of which none were in sight. Im thinking they took one look at the Dinkmeister and fled in opposite directions. Not to be deterred from my long awaited Dental appointment....I called my good buddy, Tim Goings and he concurred with my original thought....carry on and go to the dentist. I stopped en route to the dentist office to mail a package. While there I noticed what appeared to be a redneck man with a motorcycle helmet wearing a shirt that said, We dont call 911 in Texas. We take care of our own. This reminded me of the Marine who basically said the same thing in a post I had seen on Facebook a few days ago. Of course, I had to mention it to the redneck motorcycle man. He said he saw that post and I should not believe everything that someone says, and went on to tell me he was in special forces (showing me his tattoo of special forces on his arm) and that message was false. He then went on to say that Facebook was run by the CIA! I turned to him and said, Dont believe everything someone says, and went to my car. Thinking my tooth was going to be pulled, I was pretty much prepared for anything at the dentist. It seems he wants to save my few teeth that I have left because there will be nothing left to attach my bridge to, if its pulled! Shonda Fletcher Wallace can attest I need all my teeth as they flew out one time and hit her on the knee in my classroom!! So, he gave me an antibiotic and a price list was handed to me at checkout. Evidently I owed a balance of $98.00 to them, so there was a charge for that plus another $100 for todays visit. I wont even go into details on the price list for replacement crowns! Next stop, get yarn to make more baby Groots! So I went into the place that shall not be named W and they did not have the yarn I needed however, I did find a plastic garden pot for under 1.00 ~So I go to the register and get behind a woman who has 57 items in her cart. We are in the 20 items or less check out lane. How do I know she had 57 items? I counted, and it would have been more if I had not counted the package of toilet paper as one item. I figured it was just par for the day. I finally got to check out and I said to the teller, This is my mad money. She says, Youre looking for a man? I blinked...said, No, that department is closed. She looked confused and Im sure I looked confused as I puttered away in my little electronic store scooter to the exit. Im guessing she thought I said, MAN MONEY? What is man money? I have no clue. There is an addendum to this story but this is getting entirely too long. I know I wouldnt read a post this long ...So, Ill just close here. Hope yall had a good day!
Posted on: Tue, 26 Aug 2014 01:23:40 +0000

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