Another Obama LIE - Obama promised transparency & today they are - TopicsExpress


Another Obama LIE - Obama promised transparency & today they are given a failing grade on transparency. So Obama announces sanctions on 7 Russians – Putin gets a good laugh thinking this is all you got. Did you hear that all you have to do now to not have to pay a tax for not having Obamacare is to claim that you can’t afford health insurance. Since Obama came into politics I dont think that 1 thing he has said has been true. Says 1 thing to get his way & then completely makes a 180 & says something different. Beware here comes another Obama LIE. Obama says that even 2.7 million short in enrollment they have enough to make it work...Sebelius now saying that premiums will go up. Once again proving another LIE. Think about this...with increase to your pay - you WILL be paying more this Obamas real plan to bring in more money for him to get his hands on. Obama changing the overtime laws & is looking it increase minimum wage. Wonder if anyone is looking that this will also increase the taxes these people will be paying. Its not all money in their own pockets. Is this going to end up just being another thing that will have companies reducing jobs? When this country needs JOBS all we see from Obama are job killers. Obamas Security Council meets – Obama goes to Film festival instead of attending Obama draws red line in Ukrainian – then goes for Happy Hour at DNC meeting Obama drew red line in Syria – then went to play golf Harry Reid=Obama’s Puppet-Once again Reid is blocking bill that includes sanctions on Iran from being voted on. Senate has 70 votes to pass this bill but Reid doing Obama’s dirty work by refusing to bring it to the floor. Reid also says anyone that reports bad experience from Obamacare are LIARS. OK Ladies…Dems say that they are going to use the “War on Women” again for the next election. We need to let them know - WE are in control of OUR OWN lives & don’t need gov’t telling us what we should think or do. And remember how many times they have used this & what have they done? NOTHING as usual. Gov’t spending started to spin out of control in 2006 – when Dems took control of Congress. Finally in 2010 the Repubs took back the House but not the Senate. Dems say Obama has issued fewer executive orders than Bush. It isn’t about the # of them it is the LAWLESS of Obama’s. They continue to blame Congress for no action; their way of saying it’s the Republicans fault. They control Senate & what have you seen from the Senate? Obama says that Repubs don’t do anything. Then WHY some 40 bills passed in the House don’t get put on the Senate floor for a vote. Are Obama & Reid afraid they might pass some of these bills? It’s time for “A little less talk & a little more ACTION”. Time has come to stop all the talking & take action. So many have said that what Obama is doing is an abuse of power – So let’s get to it. He must answer to the American people & uphold the oath of office that he took. There are 3 parts to our government & Obama is only 1 part. Not only is Obama’s admin secretive & dishonest; its callous disregard for the rule of law undermines our constitutional republic. Must ask Obama if he remembers taking an oath of office to uphold law & constitution NOT to change them without Congress. Holder telling state AG’s that they don’t have to uphold the laws of their states. Once again showing no respect for the laws of this country or states. DOJ is the new HITMAN for Obama? Is the DOJ now going to be attacking Republicans to destroy them? -DOJ files charges against D’Souza – the maker of “2016 Obama’s America” -DOJ files charges against McDonnell -DOJ looks into Christie -DOJ looked at IRS & haven’t even interviewed any of those targeted but leaked they found nothing wrong. - Obama WHINING that the reason he can’t get things done is because of FOX news. When will he see that his failure is no one’s fault but his own failures? -Obama pulling out the RACE CARD? So when Obama is asked about why his approval rating is so low he says that some don’t like him because he is black & some give him a benefit of doubt because he is black. Race has nothing to do with it. It is his FAILURE to lead. Check the time-line – why did Panetta & Dempsey wait 1 hour to tell Obama? If you had this information would you not RUN to Obama about an attack on 1 of our embassies? Which bring back the question – WHAT was Obama doing when the attack happened & WHO pushed the video? Obama, Clinton, Rice & Carney all LIED. Declassified testimony on the 9/11/12 terrorist attacks in Benghazi sheds light on what exactly defense officials knew about the attack as it was occurring. “Minutes after Benghazi came under assault. They were informed that the event was a ‘terrorist attack.” Also raises the question of WHY top military men, allowed Obama & his admin to press a false narrative of Benghazi over 2 weeks. Obama’s admin clouded Benghazi response was an attempt to make Obama look strong on terror ahead of the 2012 of election. Obama “Top 10 Most Wanted Corrupt Politicians” for 2013, named by the Washington watchdog Judicial Watch. The “honor” is for acting “as a one-man Congress, rewriting entire sections of federal law on his own.” “Obama is a master at catch-me-if-you can, corrupt politics.” 2013 LIE of the Year. “If you like your plan you can keep it. PERIOD” NICE play Obama – ONCE again you mislead the American people. When we look into anything that has been reported –Obama says that he didn’t know. Why is it no one that works for Obama tells him anything or is this just his cover-up line? Again we have to ask – What the hell does Obama know? Plausible Deniability Fast & Furious – Obama didn’t know-3 years still nothing. Benghazi – Obama didn’t know-now documents show that Obama & Clinton LIED about the attack IRS – Obama didn’t know-now calling it a media scandal. DOJ says NO charges NSA – Obama didn’t know Obamacare not working – Obama didn’t know- Obama said he was not told DIRECTLY about problems but now there is a memo showing the White house was told 1 week prior to rollout there were issues. Going after AP & FOX reporters phone records because they were reporting things that Obama didn’t want known – Obama didn’t know Obama always says he will get to the bottom of it & then what do we see – NOTHING Obama continues to say “We will bring those responsible to justice”. And what have we seen – NO ONE held accountable. Obama was a community organizer (code word = political operative of the left)...he never solved problems he just stirred things up & then sought govt funding for his social justice causes. Next he got into politics most likely because he figured out that he could be closer to the tax flow stream that way & get power to take whatever money he saw fit-hes moved by ideology not to be a leader-just read Alinskys Rules For Radicals & you will understand the election we just went through-facts dont matter, truth doesnt matter - right-wrong doesnt matter - only winning matters - & to do so you trash & attack your opponent constantly lying, making it up, manipulation is OK. The Obama admin is filled with radical Muslims, anarchists, atheists, communists, & socialists, yet Americans are surprised by the communistic nature of their actions!
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 17:19:18 +0000

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