Another Rant from Chief; So while I was at University - TopicsExpress


Another Rant from Chief; So while I was at University getting my degree in Business it was always the simple things people didn’t look at. It seems to me that everyone (that is an elected official) is looking for a reason to conduct military operations against Syria. I am a simple man and say, “Follow the Money!” Let us face this it doesn’t matter if you are a democrat or a republicans our current administration has lost all credibility in the national and international community. The international community does not want the United States involved in Syria any more than the American people do. You cannot toss a brick in a pond and not expect ripples. Our leadership is acting reckless and do they not understand more of my brothers will fall in this action. War must be just, fight for a cause that is righteous, not because someone has lost face. Do we want another war in the Middle East should we allow a handful of those elected official to drag us down this rabbit hole? Do we really want to give such an these incompetent official the ability to wage what we call in the Military as “Kinetic Military Action” and my civilian friends would call War. I listened to the hearing on Capitol Hill and still cannot figure out what is a “limited narrow act” still sounds like an act of war to me. Was it not an act of war when 9/11 happened it was limited and narrow? The entire time trying to figure out who has the most profit to gain from this, and this is what jumped into my mind. If we look at the actions in Libya, Egypt, and now possibly Syria you see a pattern, yes all the countries were run by dictator but they keep the price of oil at stable levels, you see the replacements to them are still dictators and militant oil un-stabilizing dictators. Look at what happened the last time we had such incompetent elected official under Jimmy Carter, let’s outs the Shah of Iran, friendly to the US and keep oils prices stable and put in a militant government that really worked for us. Even Clinton did not like that fact the United States was at the time the one world super power. That changed under his leadership and continues under the current administration, now FSU (Former Soviet Union) and PRC (Peoples Republic of China) are on a level playing field with the United States. Being number 1 or the leader ensures the free flow of oil at a reasonable price. What a country does in a civil war in not our place nor or responsibility. Now like I said who profits from this the most the restriction of oil? First off I can think of the State of California, which as we all know votes Democrat. Large amounts of oil reserves have been found in California, the U.S. Geological Survey of the San Joaquin Basin oil field is massive. This would bring much need jobs to California and also more democrat votes. Second you have to look at the lefts green energy schemes, yes I call them schemes for they have been nothing but a drain on the economy, not creating a single job and costing millions, while you guessed it providing more money to the left. Look at the Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX) traded on the stock market, and guess whose hands are in that till, “Obama, Clinton, Gore, and other leading democrats”. It is a pretty good scheme I addressed in an earlier post of how you sale green house gases. This is the ultimate redistribution of wealth. We have leadership that does not like oil unless it is in a state controlled by democrats. The only United States vital interest in the Middle East should be the free flow of oil, and not some human rights issues. If this administration stopped dragging its feet over things like the Keystone pipeline we would not even be speaking about Syria. Take those millions spent on magical green energy and put it into something that makes the country run. Now I am not saying all green energy is bad, hell I have a solar panel or two for my workshop and the like, charging batteries but not running my house on it. What I am getting at is simple, follow the money see who makes the most money from it, and then look at how it affects each and every one of us. We are not the super wealthy a captains’ of industry is not my enemy, they have earned their money the old fashion way working for it, it’s the elected officials that are millionaires that have the most to gain, most of them have never ha d a real job in the first place. How does the rest of the world see us, do they sit back and see an incompetent President and a Congress trying to save face for him. They have forgotten that “Peace through Strength” is about the ability of the country to unleash a beat down because of our strength. If we believe that putting a smack down on Syria is need to let the world know we are strong, and then sadly we have already lost that battle. It just shows the world we are doing whatever it takes to save face for the President.
Posted on: Thu, 05 Sep 2013 16:05:21 +0000

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