Another Special Message From My PASTOR For the Xmas and the New - TopicsExpress


Another Special Message From My PASTOR For the Xmas and the New Year.. It is not for kings, O Lemuel, it is not for kings to drink wine; Nor for princes to say, Where is strong drink? Lest they drink, and forget the law, And pervert the justice due to any that is afflicted. Give strong drink unto him that is ready to perish, And wine unto the bitter in soul: Let him drink, and forget his poverty, And remember his misery no more. .... (Proverbs 31 : 4 -7). What words of wisdom given to ROYALTY. The verse outrightly says that STRONG drink and wine are not for Royalty (people of class, the wise). If its not for Royalty who can actually afford even the most expensive strong drinks, then which group of people is it meant for? The commoners, those ready to perish, those bitter in soul and the miserable ones. What an Irony? Why is strong drink not recommended for Royalty? Because of its overpowering influence. It can cause someone not to uphold the law and carry out injustice. It can numb someones reasoning and fear of the law of God. The bible calls believers sons and daughters of the MOST HIGH King. It says we are joint heirs with Christ who is the PRINCE of peace,, the FIRST BORN among the brethren. what does that make us then? Princes and princesses (Kingdom Royals). A man that is feeling gay and merry, under the influence of strong drink would not hear the voice of the HOLY SPIRIT, would not be able to stand as an able ambassador of Christ. Christmas is approaching in its festive spirit. May we not forget that JESUS CHRIST is the reason for the Season and we must understand it is not an official opportunity (licence) for drunkenness and revelling. In all the merry making,, let us not forget who we are ( Royalty) and must comport ourselves like one. Making sure our bodies remain vessels unto honour, ready anytime for the masters use and sensitive to the bidding of the Holy Spirit. STRONG DRINK IS NOT FOR YOU, OH!! ROYAL CHILD OF GOD. Keep thy heart with all diligence; For out of it are the issues of life. .... (Proverbs 4 : 23). A man that is diligent is one that is not slack. He is committed to whatever he chooses to do and keeps at it with his whole heart and might, carefully making sure nothing important slips out of his sight. The total well being of any human starts with the state of the heart. A sick heart, creates an unwholesome being just like a healthy heart would create a healthy life. A wise man guards his heart from unhealthy fatty diets knowing it could in the long run cause Angina or full blown cardiac arrest. In the same way believers should.guard their hearts from unhealthy materials that could lead to unhealthy spiritual walk with God. A lot of informative materials we read, watch or listen to get stored in the heart. These stored data are later ruminated on by the mind. If the processed materials are bad and have been dwelt on for a long time, they would become strongholds dictating and subduing our flesh to follow suit thereby ruining ones righteous walk with God. It is not every film, book, music or banter we should engage in. Wisdom says sift every material and discard the spiritually unhealthy ones. Remember AS A MAN THINKETH IN HIS HEART, SO HE IS. The things that matter in our lives are firstly incubated in our hearts, so we must endeavour to only make rooms for good things for GOOD BRINGS FORTH GOOD and BAD WILL BRING FORTH BAD. When you feed your heart with a lot of garbage, be sure you will produce garbage and with time degenerate to total garbage. Therefore it is important that we consciously do all to keep out any unhealthy material (programmes, films, books, magazines etc) that will contaminate the good things that form building blocks in our lives and also in our childrens lives. Lets us be truly diligently watchful. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on him should not perish, but have eternal life. .... (John 3:16). Jesus is the reason for this season. If God had not loved us so much and given us his only begotten Son, there wouldnt be an thing to celebrate. Let this mind be in us as was in God in that he gave us Jesus. We also, in this season can show forth our love by giving someone else Jesus. This is an opportunity to point someone towards The Lord and taking time to explain why he is being celebrated. Youre the mouth piece of God. He is depending on you in this festive period that every MERRY CHRISTMAS you utter to someone will radiate the love of God. Lets continue to Proclaim The Lordship of JESUS our Saviour in this season and out of season. Be determined to introduce at least one person to Jesus. Ask the Lord to direct your steps to that needy soul. Amen!!! ..who, existing in the form of God, counted not the being on an equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, taking the form of a servant, being made in the likeness of men; (Philipians 2: 6-7) The verse above tells us Jesus emptied himself of his Kingly glory to become man so that he can save us. He became poor that we might be rich, he gave up his life that we might have life in him. Even as we celebrate Christmas today, lets remember to empty ourselves of our comfort and put a smile on someone elses face., As you do so, God will inspire another person to empty himself and bless you too. As baby Jesus was presented with three gifts, May these three in their large boxes be presented to you today. HEAVENLY PEACE OVERFLOWING JOY AND ABUNDANT PROSPERITY. AMEN!!! (Wishing you all a MERRY CHRISTMAS). ... seeing that his divine power hath granted unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that called us by his own glory and virtue. ....(2 Peter 1:3). In the birth of Jesus was his death. He had victory over death when he resurrected. His death and resurrection brought Salvation to men. This salvation included all things that pertained to life and godliness. It came as a package which when unwrapped and understood become beneficial to .us. Today being BOXING day, gifts are supposedly unwrapped and put in their right places and uses, do take out time also, to meditatively unwrap those gifts that pertain to life (financial prosperity, good health, career, family etc) and godliness (holiness, truth, Fear of the Lord,, self control etc).. Knowing what the gifts are and putting them to use are important. As you are about to start a new season in your life. Walking in and with these gifts will make you more productive. Gifts are not just for fancy, they are to be used in order to avoid being earthly useless. After unwrapping your Christmas gifts kept under your trees today, do not also forget to unwrap the other gifts divinely presented to you through not just the birth of JESUS but also his death. As the boxes are full of surprises, may the Lord through the divine revelation of these gifts shock you and cause you to function EFFECTIVELY from YOUR HEAVENLY SITTED PLACE IN CHRIST JESUS. Amen!!! Peace I leave with you; my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be fearful. .... (JOHN 14 : 27). As of today, the hustling and bustling of Christmas are out of the way but the gifts we have recieved are still fresh in our minds especially with our children who may have discarded the old toys, only showing off and playing with the new ones now . Unwrapping our spiritual (Christmas) presents from the Lord, one of the beautiful gift hes given is the SIMPLE, DYNAMIC, SUPER EFFICIENT GADGET OF PEACE. This gadget is beautiful for all situations. It is an invisible compass which when trusted only leads in the right directions. Why would HE give us the gadget of peace? Because he knows (and has forewarned) that in this world we would have troubles and tribulations. He understands also that we would need this gadget to walk in the victory which he had already obtained for us. Just like our phones are always by our sides, this gadget must always dwell in our hearts. Once we feel its absence, it should be a wake up call that something is not right and we must not keep silent but go into Gods assuring presence until we have a replacement. This gift of peace hes left with you even now. Have you felt its presence on the inside of you? It is one gift we can not do without. I pray that this gadget of peace remains our umpire, lead and guide us into all truth and purpose of God for our lives. Amen!!! These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be made full. .... (John 15 : 11). The gift of JOY is an unspeakable and unexplainable emotions. It doesnt depend on circumstances to overflow. It flows anyway. It is not mere happiness which can be superficial. Joy is divine. It is good at this time to remember the story of the man who had written the song His eye is on the sparrow . He is a man that had lost his whole family and property in one day. The people around him thought he would probably go for suicide but all he uttered was a song of how happy he was singing, for he knew that God who watches the sparrows was equally watching over him. What an understanding and faith in the Amighty Joy dwells internally for it is given by the Holy Spirit. In this day and age, people commit suicide if their benefits were stopped or if their partners jilted them, but the one whose heart is on God is kept on course by JOY. Thats why, even though you do not drive a jeep, you are joyful, you may not have children yet, you are joyful and your account may be red, you are still joyful because your life of Joy does not depend on these things. Joy strengthens our hearts to go on inspite of the negative circumstances, it keeps the door of hope open. The bible says we should rejoice always (in the good and in the bad) for the joy of the Lord is our strength. This gift is another CAN DO WITHOUT Gadget. Watch over it and let it fill you to overflowing, Gods immeasurable gift of joy. The night is far spent, and the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armor of light. Let us walk becomingly, as in the day; not in revelling and drunkenness, not in chambering and wantonness, not in strife and jealousy. But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfil the lusts thereof. (Romans 13: 12-14) New years eve means different things to different people. To some, its a day of partying and revelling, To some, its a day of reflection, of counting the failures and victories, the good and the bad, the blessings and the disappointments. A day that ushers in a new year at 12 midnight. As the new year turns in, it comes with excitement, expectations and resolutions so to say. The reality everyone tends not to pay attention to is that, each New year that turns in with all its excitement is actually one year closer to ones death or rapture, one year closer to judgement and one year closer to Heaven or Hell. When we lose sight of this, we lose sight of putting things in their right perspective and priorities. As we are going on to plan for the coming year, 2015, let us take time to ask God with all other things, for Grace to be conscious and ready for the coming of the Lord. That he Keeps us blameless, fit for rapture and finally help us to walk in righteousness to the glory of God and benefit of the kingdom. The truth is that the night is far spent and the day of The Lord is at hand. Lets make hay while the sun shines. Let our priority today for 2015 read SEEKING GOD FIRST AND HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS, so that every other thing we are about to ask, (maybe tonight) for 2015 WILL JUST BE ADDED UNTO US .Lets therefore cast off the works of darkness and lets put on the armor of light. May 31st December, 2014 give you a happy ending, as 1st January, 2015 ushers in your New beginning of great things in GOD... (HAPPY NEW YEAR IN ADVANC EVERY ONE).
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 18:15:08 +0000

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