Another Study.....JUST HOW MANY WILL IT TAKE TO CHANGE CANNABIS PROHIBITION/LEGALIZATION??? Good question, it will take the Power of the People to Force the Change, they dont seem to care about Studies and the millions of people dying daily. They, the Government and its agencies are being managed by the Corporation, the Big PHARMA Cos, their Directors and many employees are former major drug company Directors and employees who have made a practice of jumping back and forth from Corporate employers and Government jobs. Many dont believe this is happening, just Google this and you can discover the Truth for yourselves!!! Again, it will take Us the People to make a Change to this, cannabis Prohibition/Legalization and to change our Corporate Government, which operates not for the People but for the wealthy 1% of our Nation!!! We can and are making Fantastic progress, we all need to keep it up and also turn the heads of former Cannabis users who dont partake now and are staying silent for numerous reasons, we need to All Stand up for OUR RIGHTS, THE RIGHT TO LIVE AND/OR PARTAKE IN A VERY SAFE CHOICE, CANNABIS!!! CANNABIS IS A HUMAN RIGHTS ISSUE AND WE HAVE THE RIGHT TO CURE OUR BODIES WITH NATURES TRUE MEDICINE, CANNABIS AND AS THIS, ANOTHER STUDY PROVES.....CANNABIS IS MEDICINE!!! IN ADDITION IT IS OUR RIGHT TO PpP IF WE CHOOSE TOO.......ITS 420 SOMEWHERE SO LETS LIGHT UP AND PpP!!!! ONE LOVE❤️FOR ALL EDUCATION IS THE KEY LEGALIZE & CURE OUR WORLD
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 15:15:50 +0000

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