Another Sunday and its bright and sunny - had to thank nature - TopicsExpress


Another Sunday and its bright and sunny - had to thank nature yesterday, rain drizzled all day as the fog rolls around and over me - I am truly living in the clouds up here 5000 feet above the sea -- Cold and cold, so I snuggled into house projects; painting those skirting, edges and detail that is oh so time related and patients needed - The garden is looking great from my window, the rocky and pathways are taking shape, which I love in gardens as they lead you to places, so this land will have plenty of place to wander and sit and meditate, it has plenty buried under soil which Ive been finding under vines and more. Thank God to my wounds heal fast, my arm was attached the other day with scratches as I rescued three trees that were almost hidden and taken over my black-berry bushes, one I didnt know was even there and a huge rose bush was entwined in the mess too, so the rain yesterday will compost them down faster - my poor hands is suffering too with all the clipping, as each branch I snip down into small pieces to dry and then I jump on them over and over when they dry out, only way I can move these mountains of cuttings of over growth, but its what I love, the garden, and seeing my blue bird who chips to get my attention when she appears. Not sure if the message was thanks for the food, or what are you doing to my garden -- Now Im off to paint a few things I want to hang latter, and do the final coat on my living room floor with a sealer, and that will allow me to have a fire again maybe tonight I can move my couch back in there -- work, and love is in progress -
Posted on: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 16:56:54 +0000

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