Another YOU CAN TAKE IT OR LEAVE IT, MORE AMMUNITION OUT THE YING-YANG, moment!! HERE WE GO AGAIN; AWESOME, AWESOME, AWESOME; JUST AWESOME!!! NOW, IF THIS BROTHER DOES NOT CONTINUE TO HIT THIS SUBJECT MATTER ON THE HEAD; MY NAME IS NOT PAUL LEWIS. THIS JOINT IS SO POWERFUL; BUT FOLKS ARE GOING TO CONTINUE TO GO ALONG, TO GET ALONG. THE MINDSET REQUIRES CHANGE - SPEAK-OUT!!! Heres some REAL HONESTY for all the HATERS. This is MOST DEFINITELY NEWS WORTHY; and IS EXTREMELY URGENT FOR DISCUSSION. LETS TAKE THIS MOVEMENT TO NEW HEIGHTS FOR CHANGE!!!! WHO AND WHERE ELSE ARE YOU GOING TO FIND FOLKS WILLING TO PUT THEIR LIFE ON THE LINE, FOR SUCH A GREAT CAUSE. CANT STOP, WONT STOP!!!! WITH THE LEADING OF THE HOLY SPIRIT, WE ARE MORE THAN CONQUERORS!!! WITH GODS HELP, WE ARE TAKING THIS CAUSE Time for Change = EEOC Reformation TO A WHOLE NEW LEVEL!!! ... DONT HATE THE MESSENGERS, IT IS WHAT IT IS!!!! WHEN CONFRONTED WITH THE REAL TRUTH, IT CAN HAVE A PAINFUL STING!!! WARNING: THE SUBJECT MATTER YOU ARE ABOUT TO SEE IS VERY GRAPHIC AND SUPERBLY POIGNANT! VIEWERS DISCRETION IS ADVISED. **************THIS WILL BE TELEVISED************ HERES MY PURPOSE - ENLIGHTENMENT! Paul Lewis -----Ricardo Jones = WHISTLE-BLOWER: Is it because the EEOC is a Black Seat for a set aside for the appearance of change in this countries history of Bigotry and racism. No moral courage and no one in a position of authority can and/or will stop the mis-conducts/corruption/fraud going on at this rogue agency. Overtime funds used for managers travel not the back log of complaints which will only be dismissed anyway. Managers’ family members hired as consultants and paid at the EEOC. Managers with private consulting firms doing follow-up training. Cases fixed for Attorneys and Management friends at the EEOC. Local attorneys in FEAR of fighting the corruption at EEOC-NYDO. Everyone in the local NYDO area knows the FIX is in at the EEOC-NYDO. The corruption is not only in NYDO but in Washington and the rest of the EEOC also. Manager/attorneys/investigators paid bonuses to dismiss complaints. Presently, there are too many ill-equipped and inept civil servants working at the EEOC. Prayerfully this will come to an abrupt end, and the long awaited house-cleansing shall commence. I believe therell be some new folks with a sense of justice, morality, integrity, honor; and most importantly, doing the True PURPOSE, for which this Agencys Founding Principles were based on. Yes indeed; RACISM, its a sad, sad situation for sure; but check out some more interesting and disturbing truths. Now, we have folks that look like us (Minorities), pseudo-enforcing these abominations; right from within the very agency (EEOC) designed to eradicate this Tumor. Its unfortunate, that this sort of mess is still permeating our society; and especially so, by laws and civil servants that are ill-quipped and inept to make a REAL DIFFERENCE. But, thats the shameful reality we face here in America, post 21st century. The Willie Lynch Phenomenon still has a stronghold on the African-Americans psyche. This CANCER has transcended into all areas of Americas society, to include the EEOC. Moreover, this curse has unfortunately spilled over into the mindsets of other People of Color. Yet, we cannot fault anyone else for wanting to abuse us, if we will not stop abusing ourselves. Im certain, without a doubt, that many of the disenfranchised would be very appreciative, if more folks would be embolden to speak out against the STATUS QUO, and start another campaign to finally Rid America of these despicable acts. This would certainly increase the Momentum for another Cause = Time for Change = EEOC Reformation, The Sanctioned Blight On Our Society. SO, IF PRESIDENT LBJ COULD DO SOMETHING TO HELP THE AFRICAN-AMERICAN DIASPORA; WHY CANT WE GET THE NATIONS 1ST BLACK PRESIDENT TO MAKE FURTHER IMPROVEMENTS FOR THE CAUSE? THINGS THAT MAKE YOU GO HHMMMM? I BELIEVE THE POTUS & FLOTUS CAN MAKE SOME EVEN GREATER CHANGES IN OTHER AREAS, IF HE OR SHE SO DESIRED. THE FACT OF THE MATTER IS, PRESIDENT OBAMA, HAS CONTINUALLY AND DELIBERATELY FAILED TO ADDRESS THE SYSTEMIC INEQUALITY THAT IS STILL PERVASIVE, IN MANY AREAS OF AMERICAS SOCIETY. ALTHOUGH AMERICANS CAN FINALLY CELEBRATE THIS UNIQUELY HISTORIC, 2 TERM BLACK PRESIDENCY; THIS ISSUE IS FURTHER COMPOUNDED BY CULTURAL INDIFFERENCES. THINK OF TYLER PERRY’S SHOW, “THE HAVES AND THE HAVE NOTS”, ON STEROIDS. THOSE WHO HAVE, AND ARE IN THAT INNER SANCTUM, ARE UNEQUIVOCALLY DOWN WITH THE OBAMA’S; AND UNFORTUNATELY, THE HAVE NOTS, WILL HAVE TO WAIT ON THE LORD, FOR A MORE OBEDIENT MAN OR WOMAN OF GOD. I HAVE NOT GIVEN UP HOPE, AND I STILL BELIEVE IN MY GOD, WHO CAN TURN THINGS AROUND MIRACULOUSLY. I CONTINUALLY KEEP MY EYES ON THE PRIZE (JESUS), AND KNOW THAT SOMEDAY, MANY OF AMERICA’S FALLACIES WILL BE A THING LONG WIPED AWAY IN ETERNITY. Mr. President, I sincerely ask, that you please get back to basics, and refocus your efforts in revamping the very organization EEOC (Time for Change = EEOC Reformation); which, would not only solve the issue of Equal Pay for Women; but, undoubtedly would correct the many other Injustices, perpetrated against all Classes of People. Another issue of grave concern Mr. President; please consider using some of your Executive Privileges to revamp archaic laws, like the example listed below. ARCHAIC LAW = It is extremely disturbing as to how and why the current statues of limitations for human beings in Civil Rights violation cases are measurably less than that of animals? (i.e., 180-300 days for filing “discrimination charges” vs. being brought up on charges for up to at least 5 yrs. in VA, for “a cruelty to animals violation”)? That is just unimaginable and unacceptable! Time for “CHANGE” is the hallmark of today’s Administration. Its Hopeful Concerned Citizens, Make Your Vote/Voice Be Heard in Nov 2014, and continue up until the next Presidential and Congressional Elections, again in Nov 2016. We Want Reform Now in the EEOC. We Can Change Things, and Make a Difference, Petition For Time for Change = EEOC Reformation. Let’s get Congress to Reform the EEOC on this Presidents watch. I PRAY THAT IN 2014, and before the end of his Presidency; President Barack Obama WILL SEE THIS PIECE OF UP IN YOUR FACE REQUEST FOR CHANGE. BRINGING IT TO HIM AS STRAIGHT, AS STRAIGHT AS IT CAN POSSIBLY COME. pdf.investintech/preview/026e2386-ccd4-11e3-8433-002590d31986/index.html pdf.investintech/preview/b67f4f48-c4bf-11e3-8433-002590d31986/index.html I believe Gods Manifestation is very much apparent; The Lord will finish His Good Work in all those that step-out in Faith. TRUST GOD; AND ALL THINGS DONE IN THE DARK, SHALL BE BROUGHT TO LIGHT; IN JESUS NAME!!!!
Posted on: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 11:18:41 +0000

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