Another damn liberal rant in the paper today just made me mad. - TopicsExpress


Another damn liberal rant in the paper today just made me mad. Here is my response. I am sure I just made some whacko list in DC. Sure Roy, it is the guns. I am so sick of hearing that. The problem Is not guns. It is gutless liberals that wont punish the criminals. Missouri finally executed a murderer a few days ago. The guy had been on death row since the 90s. Violent criminals commit crimes, get sentenced, get out early and commit more crimes. The cycle never ends. I say life without parole for any violent criminal and If they murder they should die. There is no God given right for a violent criminal to exist. Every animal pack in the world weeds out their own defects, except humans. We find ways to make money on them, IE lawyers, shrinks, penal institutions, and more. Dont give me any garbage about innocents being executed either. We will save many more lives than could ever be lost by courtroom error. Once murderers start getting executed quickly and with 100% certainty, the murder rate will plummet. This will make wrongful convictions even more unlikely as the courts will be better able to handle the lower workload. And spare me the BS stats saying capital punishment doesnt work, unless those stats are from somewhere that executes 100% of the murderers within six months of conviction. We dont have capital punishment. We have a system that does everything to save criminals from execution and stupid liberal protestors that hamper the system even further. We execute maybe one out of thousand murderers, and only then after twenty years of tax payer funded legal wrangling. My guns have not killed one damn person, and my rights are not for sale to satisfy liberals like you. It is time to punish the criminal, not the honest citizen. I have put up with years of your anti gun garbage and crime is getting worse not better. Lets try my system for twenty years and see how it works. If it does not reduce murder and violent crime drastically, Ill be first in line to hand in my guns
Posted on: Sun, 02 Feb 2014 16:15:43 +0000

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