Another discipline, besides Science, that sometimes conflicts with - TopicsExpress


Another discipline, besides Science, that sometimes conflicts with Religion is Psychology. When you think about it, Psychology like Religion has always been with us. Throughout history human beings have reflected on their thoughts and behavior and have attempted to make sense out of them. However, as a distinct discipline Psychology has only been around since the last half of the 19th century. Think the father of Psychology...Freud. This is fairly new compared with the discipline of Religion. Since it has grown to a position of considerable importance and visibility in such a short time it is important to examine the impact it has on Religion. As a matter of fact, there are those who believe that Psychology has moved beyond the realm of science and social philosophy. Many would even describe it as the secular religion of our times. Some religions have reacted against Freud and are not open to psychological matters. Others tend to accept the finding of Psychology and include the fields findings in their own work. Modern psychological critique of religion has also not been as friendly. In fact it is quite commonplace for psychologists to view religion with at best suspicion and at worst overt hostility. But despite these sometimes icy relationships there are advocates for a new form of relationship between the two disciplines in a field called Psychology of Religion. Rather than viewing Psychology as the enemy, with irreconcilable differences between the two realms, both psychologist and theologians maintain that there is much common ground between the two. Working from humanistic and often mystical assumptions, they see humans as spiritual-moral beings who cannot be reduced to a collection of naturalistic forces. Psychological insight can aid in spiritual development, and similarly spiritual insights can aid in developing psychological understandings and in promoting psychological growth. Each reader has to make up their own mind. What do you think?
Posted on: Tue, 22 Oct 2013 22:27:40 +0000

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