Another example of what is seen and observed at Tribal Clowncil - TopicsExpress


Another example of what is seen and observed at Tribal Clowncil meetings..for the people by the people,,lol. Thanks going out to Beverly Iron Shield for sharing this information.. Beverly Ironshield. As I sit here...Pondering on the days events.. trying to digest the heaping helping of BS we were fed today on council floor from the politicians...I cant help but wonder...does it get worse??? I sat and witnessed thee most Idiotic...arrogant....self centered...unprofessional display of political nonsense.!! I heard a few reasonable sounding attempts of reasoning from 4 Politicians but there was no hope for them as the vote came to a head... As I looked around that Half circle..I was able to see just exactly which ones were thinking with a Lakota heart and mind and which ones could care less..they just wanted to hear themselves!! All I heard was back talking...sputtering..back paddeling..trying desperately to reword their first idiotic statement!! I dont know about anyone else but I didnt hear any sound concrete 100% go for the gusto plans that would enhance our tribe..all I heard was blaming..and disagreements over wording in a motion!!! I thought OMG!!! fix the wording dont spend 4 hours arguing about it!!!! Todays events made me a bit worried...not for me coz I have 3 children that will and have always taken care of me..but I worried for those Uncis and LaLas that are all alone..that dont come out of their homes to ask for anything..or complain because NO ONE LISTENS to them to begin with..and second they have no means to travel...they come from that era where if you didnt have it you didnt need it!! BUT if you took the time to go and visit and talk to them they have plenty to say!! but no one listens to them!! So they get over all over and forgotten!! Im not sure if I heard it right..could be wrong but I thought I heard the motion to leave Elders age at 60 failed...or was voted down...and that 75 is considered Elderly???? I sure hope I heard that wrong coz..Im going to be Damned if Im going to allow a half circle of politicians tell me Im not going to be an Elder until I reach the age of 75!!!! That is just plain damn stupid!! So thats the game plan next huh??? eliminate all the Elders??? in this day and age how many people are gonna reach 75 and be healthy enough to realise it???? not many!!! So whats the message??? across the nation...other Native Nations Honor their Elders but step onto the Standing Rock Reservation and You are not recognized as an Elder!! Another slap in the face for Standing Rock!! as for me?? I dont mind i wont reach either age for awhile in a sense damn it Im still young!!! Just worried about the real elders!!!! its sad!!! really sad...
Posted on: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 08:12:57 +0000

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