Another example of why foodbanks are so important in the UK today. - TopicsExpress


Another example of why foodbanks are so important in the UK today. Bit if a long read but worth it. From Liverpool Echo. Parents skipping meals so children can eat, struggling to afford toilet roll - the reality of poverty on Merseyside 09 March 2014 07:00 AM By Helen Davies Foodbanks and emergency loans becoming a way of life for citys poorest Visits to foodbanks are becoming a way of life Cash-strapped Merseyside parents are skipping meals so their children can eat. Jennifer McDonald who uses a foodbank in Waterloo, Merseyside That’s the shocking extent of poverty found in the region during a Sunday ECHO investigation this week. And it’s not just those on benefits struggling to afford food and basics such as toilet roll, foodbank managers told us of record numbers of parents in low paid jobs needing emergency handouts. Jayne Branch-Murray, manager of Wirral Foodbank, said: “We’re seeing a changing trend since Christmas. “There are people who have had their benefits delayed but we’re seeing more people on low incomes who just can’t manage on what they’re getting. “There’s more who are in debt too and have been using loan sharks.” Ms Branch-Murray said total numbers using the 14 centres Wirral Foodbank operates are increasing constantly with up to 30 people a day just using one branch in Birkenhead. She said people use the foodbanks as a last resort with many parents having tried skipping meals beforehand so their children can eat. “When they come to the foodbank for the first time they feel guilty they can’t feed their kids,” she said. Others have resorted to using just water to wash and welcome the basic toiletries the foodbank offers. “If it’s choosing between a tin of beans and a bar of soap it’s going to be a tin of beans,” said Ms Branch-Murray. Barry Cooper, who started Knowsley Foodbank, said they were “very busy” and last year saw the number of people they helped double to more than 7,000. He said an increasing number of these were struggling parents on low incomes. Barry said: “We give out toiletries and just before Christmas in Halewood we had someone in to whom we gave food and toiletries and they picked up the toilet roll and said they hadn’t had toilet roll for two weeks. “I’m not the richest person but I can’t imagine not being able to afford toilet roll.” Debbie Shelley, centre manager at South Sefton Foodbank, says they have also seen families unable to afford basic items such as nappies and soap. She said. “We give them two items of toiletries, such as soap, shampoo and razors. If someone wants to go for a job they need a razor. “Sometimes these people don’t have anything. If they can’t get food then toiletries are the things they go without.” The South Sefton Foodbank, based at St Leonards Youth and Community Centre in Bootle, only opened last May and has already helped a staggering 6,431 people, including 2,680 children. Ms Shelley said 534 of these people were on low incomes and that whilst single men made up the largest percentage of people they helped, there was an increasing number of parents in need of food. She said: “We’ve had a lot of families and are getting more and more families in all the time.” One mums story Mum-of-two Jennifer McDonald had to turn to a foodbank last Friday because she didnt have enough money to buy food for the weekend. The 31-year-old, from Crosby, had her benefits stopped for three months in December after she missed an appointment at the job centre because she was looking after her daughter who had been sent home from school ill. She is given a hardship allowance of £41 a week from the government but by the time she has paid her energy bills there is little left for food. Jennifer, whose children stay with their dad during the week and with her at weekends, first visited a foodbank in January. Speaking to the Sunday ECHO at the Crosby Area Foodbank at Waterloo Town Hall on Friday, she said: “I just didn’t know what I was going to do next. “But they gave me bags of food and gave me a lift home. “It’s amazing. Since I’ve found out about this it’s really saved my life. “Imagine not being able to feed your kids, this is a huge support.” Foodbanks are intended to be a one-off solution but Jennifer has been struggling so much since her benefits were sanctioned that she had been forced to use them six times this year. But the mum has now turned a corner and has secured a job as a chef which she will start as soon as her CRB check is cleared. Jennifer says it is thanks to the foodbank that she has been able to do this. She added: “I’m struggling to afford anything but they give you healthy food for the kids as well as things like cereal, pasta and toothpaste.” Crosby Area Foodbank opened last June and has since helped more than 900 people. When the Sunday ECHO visited on Friday, dedicated volunteers were busy speaking to those who had turned up with food vouchers as well as sorting food donated by kindhearted members of the public. Manager Jan Matthews explained there were some items such as baked beans which they always had more than enough of. But there are other foods which they could do with more donations of, including: long-life orange juice, coffee, sugar, pasta sauce, rice pudding, instant pasta rice, instant noodles, tinned fruit and vegetables, sponge puddings and jam.
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 06:33:41 +0000

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