Another excerpt from STOP IN THE NAME OF LOVE by Nina Bruhns? - TopicsExpress


Another excerpt from STOP IN THE NAME OF LOVE by Nina Bruhns? Again featuring hunky undercover cop Russell Bridger and nursery school teacher Mary Alice Flannery. At this point, they have just shared their first kiss, which Bridge suggested having before the date, rather than after. :D **** What had just happened? Mary Alice’s lips still tingled where Bridge’s had traveled over them. Was this the way the dreams had started? “Now we can relax and not be distracted all evening thinking about it,” he said. “About...?” Her tongue went to the corner of her mouth and caught a taste of him. “Our first kiss.” “Oh.” Her mind snagged hard on the word first. “I...” Wow. “I guess that’s...sensible.” Sensible? Sensible? Who was she kidding? She’d count herself fortunate if she’d be able to think a single lucid thought all night, after that kiss. “Wanna go for a second?” She came to with a start and backed away. “I don’t think—” She caught the amusement in his face. “You’re teasing me.” He reached out and touched the collar of her jacket, running his fingers down the lapel. “Do you mind?” She let out a breath in consternation. “Not nearly as much as I should.” She tipped her head in mock reproof, feeling oddly comfortable with a man she’d known less than an hour. Maybe there was something to that kiss theory, after all. “I fear you’re a rake, Russell Bridger.” “A rake?” He grinned. “You mean one of those long, hard things with—” “No!” He was misbehaving badly, but she couldn’t help grinning. “I mean a rogue and a rascal, the kind of man my mama is always warning me about.” With a devilish laugh, he swept her up off the ground. “Lucky for me you never listen to your mama.” “And you would know that how?” She squeaked as his strong hands deposited her on the bench seat of the truck. “Care to deny it, Ms. Dessert-Before-Dinner?” Barely suppressing her laughter, she gave him her most indignant face and straightened her dress primly. “I most certainly do. I’ll have you know she thinks I’m a perfect angel.” A slow, easy smile slid across his face. “Can’t argue with that.” The truck door slammed and she could almost feel her halo slip.
Posted on: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 01:44:01 +0000

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