Another excerpt from the my Book an Act of Courage/ Not - TopicsExpress


Another excerpt from the my Book an Act of Courage/ Not Spotless The Harvard Club 2013 No matter how much distanced was put between me and past, different events happened where I challenged myself. You see we have these learning lessons to prepare us and to do any restoration that may be needed. Well I experienced a moment where I had to make a decision to either retreat or go forward. I had built an amiable relationship with the social policy director from the Manhattan Institute a conservative think tank in New York. He and I and my former director had eaten and discussed ills and social determinants plaguing inner cities. I also have established a pleasant relationship with a law professor from the University of Pennsylvania. I wanted to formerly meet this interesting law professor who signed a copy of her book and sent to me…but was a neurosurgeon as well. So they decided to invite me to the Harvard Club in NY; a club where you can only be a member if you attended Harvard. A date was set and I was excited. Here I was Earl Scott, who was greasy as a Louisiana fish fry at one time, being invited for lunch with people who genuinely wanted to entertain me. Well I took the bus and got off at Port Authority an area I hustled around and used to go through to get uptown to add some insanity to my already irrational, disturbed, and psychologically misfit mind. It brought back memories….and as I walked towards the Harvard Club going through Times Square, recalling sitting in the movies back then in a comatose. Well I got there and stood across the street ….the Harvard Club where great people who help shape the country dined. I watched the attire and how elegant and ripened the climate was. The doorman himself looking refined and greeting people with such distinguish. Now at this very moment the roommate we all have in our heads….the EGO…started a talking. It said what in the hell are you doing here? Are you crazy? You might as well go right on back to Port Authority and get on the bus and take your butt back home you don’t belong here. I pondered and my whole life flashed before me….the monster I once was…the crimes…I have committed…the destruction of my marriage and the ripping my mother’s heart apart. I was frozen and yes all those thoughts…were hounding me. You see it is fear which freezes us from moving forward with our ideas… leaving a relationship…or just telling someone you didnt appreciate the way they treated you…Fear keeps us hostage and fear did its best to get me to fold. Well just as my past tried to get me to run and I had been waiting to see if my host was in view ...obviously so they could help me go in…make it easier for me...and that is the way most of us deal with situations…we want others to do it for us…to cushion the pain or whatever we are going through….I had to face what I had been avoiding most of my early life…Standing up for me….I walked right on over and the doorman looked at me like I was wondering what you were going to do….and I walked right on in…and it was an experience I will never forget because of the lesson….I needed to learn….I dined in the Harvard Club where we ate in a room where the great President Teddy Roosevelt…a Harvard Graduate himself donated all the animal heads surrounding the room….I handled myself with honor and class …and they were amazed that someone like me who was lost now found….is the true amazing grace.... I was spared....
Posted on: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 00:25:41 +0000

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