Another good read... ....Its not surprising that greenies are - TopicsExpress


Another good read... ....Its not surprising that greenies are racking their brains over how best to communicate with the public, because even though theyve been banging on about climate-change disaster for 20-plus years now, most people just arent interested. Were certainly not very moved. Last year, a survey of people in 22 countries, including Britain, found that fewer people now consider [climate change] to be very serious than at any time in the last two decades. The public are starting to tune out, said the poll overseer.......All this talk about how to prise open the publics eyes to the dangers of climate change – and to their own idiocy and greed – exposes the elitism of the eco-brigade. For all the climate-change lobbys claims to be rationalist, what we really have here is a new priestly caste convinced that it knows The Truth and that it must endeavour to communicate that truth in dumbed-down lingo, free of weirdo words, to the sinning little people.....
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 07:03:44 +0000

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