Another great reply from Sue Maynes over in her group. Friends - TopicsExpress


Another great reply from Sue Maynes over in her group. Friends and friends of friends who are CONtracted to the corporations (Govt, local Councils, Policing, Telcos, Energy suppliers, etc), really do need to read this Q&A (in full) and learn of just where those at the top (the politicians) really have positioned them in terms of, the LAW. In part, Sue says: Under the workplace system, each man or woman working in govt go through OH&S training and sign off that they have been trained. Now these men and women are the ones actually implementing the harm - not the PM (Or, the pollies, who just makes the acts). And it is the implementation that causes the harm. So the man or woman, working in local council, for instance, uses an act to harm someone - they get charged, and because they have signed off that they will follow the rules - and no act actually tells them to harm someone and they have signed off on that training - they are the ones who face the charges. Not the crims that set it all in place. > < This massive documentation of cases for a large number of people are now the evidence that the International Court of Justice can investigate with the view of laying charges on people - up the ladder - who have assisted in harm that may have actually been caused by someone - down the ladder. That is why myself and other posters have often referred to the Nuremburg Defence, which is a decision out of the same court we are applying to. After the war, a great many soldiers were charged with war crimes. Their defence was we were only doing our job (which you hear constantly now from public servants). The court said that to harm someone in the actual field was possibly justifiable, but in the camps, when the person was unarmed, was an act of common law harm and or, murder. Those soldiers were found guilty were then sentenced as any other person that was not a soldier would be. The Nuremburg Defence - I was just doing my job was not accepted. That applies to every single man and woman working for govt or govt agencies or govt approved bodies or whatever. To use the excuse, I am just doing my job - is not a defense as NO job can authorise harm against another living man or woman. That is why Newman has brought in legislation that supposedly protects the public servants up there. Trouble is - it doesnt in the ICJ and it certainly wont when we recover our courts of common law here. > Read it all, in full. Tell your friends and or, work-mates. ;)
Posted on: Sun, 02 Mar 2014 04:19:16 +0000

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