Another great story by Father Pat from St. Joseph Catholic Church, - TopicsExpress


Another great story by Father Pat from St. Joseph Catholic Church, Downtown Pensacola... Once upon a time, there was a king who ruled over a small kingdom that wasnt powerful nor was it known for anything of any great value. But, the king did possess a large and perfect diamond that had been in his family for many generations. He kept it on display for all to see and appreciate and people came from all over the country to admire this rare and precious gem. People from other lands, hearing about the great diamond, also came and they, too, felt some sense of pride simply by gazing upon the unusual gem. One day a soldier, whose task it was to guard the diamond, came to the king and reported that although the gem had not been touched by human hands it was now cracked. The king ran to investigate and sure enough there was a crack right through the middle of the rare gem. He immediately summoned jewelers from across the land to examine the diamond and see what could be done to repair it, but all the experts gave the same response: it was now useless, irredeemably flawed. The king was crushed and so were the people who felt that they had lost everything. Then, out of nowhere an old man, who claimed to be a master jeweler, asked to see the diamond. He told the king, I can fix it. In fact, I can make it better than it was before. The king was surprised at the report and was leery of the old man, but he gave him the jewel. The old man said, Ill have it back to you in a week fully repaired. Now the king was not about to let the diamond out of his sight, even if it was possibly ruined, so he gave the old man a room and food and provided all the tools he would need to repair the diamond. At the end of one week the old man appeared with the stone in his hand and presented it to the king. The king couldnt believe it. The old man had fixed the diamond and it looked magnificent; it looked even better than before. He had made the crack that ran through the gem into a stem and had carved around it an intricate rose with petals, leaves, and thorns. The king was overjoyed and offered the old man half of his kingdom for he had taken something beautiful and perfect and improved upon it. But the old man refused the offer in front of the whole court, saying, I did not make something perfect better. What I did was take something flawed and cracked at its heart and turn it into something beautiful once again. Since the dawn of humanity, God has been the one who has been ever present to repair the brokenness in our lives. There is no better illustration than the up and down relationship God had with the Jews. This relationship can be described as a repetitive pattern of covenant made, covenant broken, reconciliation, and covenant restored. God still hasn’t lost His touch! God bless, Father Pat
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 23:09:17 +0000

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