Another intelligence response to Talba is doing a - TopicsExpress


Another intelligence response to Talba is doing a concerned Nigerlite Sir , kindly avoid being personal and vulgar in your comments. This is a public discourse and you only have a right to differ. Try to be very friendly , nobody is blaming you for seeking to justify lack of pipe borne water in Niger state, failed free education policy , delapidated urban rural roads, abandoned projects, poverty, deficit in infrastructural development, collapsed health care delivery system a , converting local governments in the state to salary paying tier of government , corruptly enriching a clique of political class, etc. You have a right to celebrate impunity and bad governance. You also have a right to rejoice over lack of sustainable and long term plan for growth and development. While other states are building overhead bridges to ease traffic, you should celebrate a government that could not complete a less than 5km dual carrige way in Bida for close to eight years. The bridges along Minna-Bida road at kakakpangi recently constructed by NIGROMA deserves an applause from you for its 16th century standard. The Housing units are already collapsing even before completion. The state owned public hospitals are ill-equiped and you should be singing halleluyah for the patients who buy even syringes and needles. Why cant we celebrate with you a govt whose scorecard on rural electrification is only worthy of emulation by an unserious-minded govt. The project at Old market along popular Mobil roundabout deserves our thumb-up for being uncompleted within record time. The list is endless. I will soon join you in glorifying a govt that failed to improve on the vast agricultural potentials of the state. Sorry, i am sleeping.
Posted on: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 09:43:27 +0000

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