Another interesting day in the ministry today, reading scripture & - TopicsExpress


Another interesting day in the ministry today, reading scripture & placing tracts until . . . . . . . I spoke to an older man who was opening his trunk for a storekeeper to load a large container of Alkaline Water. Since there was no one else in sight at that time, I spoke & he didnt answer one way or the other, so I flipped open the Bible and read Romans 12:17-21 and asked him if he believed in this & Jesus words in Sermon on the Mount & he said of course he does because he is a Christian and did missionary work in Haiti for a number of years teaching the Bible to orphans. So I asked him if he believed in Christians going to war in view of these read scriptures & he said he did believe in war & I need to read the Old Testament of all the wars the Nation of Israel fought. Then he told me I need to get educated on what the bible really teaches. So I asked him what he was teaching those orphans in Haiti, that war was perfectly alright? (No answer) So hows that working for the world, has it brought us any peace, I mean how has that been working for the world? Didnt Jesus say that violence begets violence & if you live by the sword youll die by the sword? Arent Jesus words here proving true? Again he told me I was stupid & that I just didnt get it because its alright to defend ourselves as the Nation of Israel did!!!!!!!!! I pointed out that Jesus brought a new religion called Christianity & was sent to the earth to show us how to follow in his footsteps & that the Nation of Israel was given the Law Covenant to make sin manifest & hence the need for a Messiah. His car trunk got closed after the water was loaded & the shopkeeper smiled quoting peace & love to all, like I had read to him before & he agreed war was wrong & left. At that point the wife got out of the car saying they, the Christians take the side of the Israelis against Palestine because they are in the right. But according to the scriptures weve just discussed, they are both wrong, I said innocently. Thats because youre stupid, her husband added, & you need to understand the Bible. Read this & read that. Here give me your Bible & Ill read it to you in your own Bible. I refused to hand over my Bible & he began to get worked up. Realizing I had my Catholic Bible today he asked me where was my New World Translation? I told him I use different Bibles in my ministry, and today it happens to be the Catholic Bible because the truth is in all Bibles. They again told me, he & his wife, that I was wrong & need to apologize to them. A witness guy from another hall happen to be standing in the shadows listening & he steps forward saying I am correct in letting the Bible have the final say. It was at that point the couple backed off asking if he were also a JW & he said he was. The brother walked me to my SUV telling me he came to protect me. I laughed telling him I had everything under control & added, So the angels sent you did they? Yes they did, he said very seriously. So I thanked him & bid him good by as we parted company.
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 00:03:17 +0000

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