Another lesson learn from the Prayer Power Gird hour: November 8, - TopicsExpress


Another lesson learn from the Prayer Power Gird hour: November 8, 2013 One verse I love in the Bible is this: Philippians 4:6 - The Living Bible (TLB) ---- 6 Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything; tell God your needs, and don’t forget to thank him for his answers. It has taught me a lot and caused me to worry far less than I used, too. Our church is doing a six months, one hour a day group prayer power gird. Individuals sign up for and commit to pray for one hour, once a week, so the twenty-four hour period would be covered each day by someone. The six months started this week. On the gird it said: Location: Somewhere private and quiet within your home, (or wherever you find yourself when the time arrives.) My hour time slot was not as I had planned it, when I signed up. It turned out I was going down the road and not alone in the car. At first it frustrated me. This was not the private quiet place I had intended to pray at with Bible, journal, and prayer gird in hand. As the hour came and I was driving down the road, I realized I was not in a quiet place on the inside any more than I was in a private quiet place physically. So, I told my rider: I am supposed to be preparing to pray and praying during this hour. I committed to do it. I am turning on KLOVE. KLOVE is a local Christian music station. When I let her out at her destination, I parked in the parking lot and pulled out the pray power gird and a notebook and pen I keep in the car. I began to write even though a little over half of the prayer time was over by then. I wrote for a while then looked at my watch an hour had passed. As I was finishing my time in prayer, I wrote this at the side of my notes as: Insight - Even when my time is off, when we ask, God still helps us to pray the hour. As I looked back two days later on what I wrote The following thought entered my head: If I waited for a quiet place to pray, I may never pray. Yes, a quiet place away from everything is the optimal praying condition but lets get real, if we waited for the best of conditions, what kind of prayer life would we have? More than likely it would be severely limited. Yes, you should take time when you can find that private, quiet place and pray. But, Why not practice praying while doing your everyday activities? Over the years that is what I have learned to do.No, I am not praying every moment but throughout the day, now, whether it is quiet or not, I pray. Prayer day, however, when my plan didnt work out the way I planned it, for a short while, I forgot to practice what I have learned about praying throughout the day. I found myself worrying. In Philippians 4:6 it says: Dont worry about anything; instead, pray about .......... How many things does it say in Philippians 4:6? What does everything mean? There is not anything you can not bring to God in prayer that He will not given us the best answer for that prayer. Worry is counter productive to prayer. Praying about everything often requires praying in the noise, in the place we find ourselves in at the time, praying despite the want to worry. Also be a thankful born-again Christian when you pray, Philippians 4:6.....and dont forget to thank him for his answer. May you have a blessed and productive praying day.
Posted on: Fri, 08 Nov 2013 15:17:46 +0000

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