Another life lesson from GOD by way of my friend butch…. Today - TopicsExpress


Another life lesson from GOD by way of my friend butch…. Today was my daughter in laws birthday, and we planed to have dinner at the house this afternoon. Darlena made a big ol pot of her coonass gumbo…and he is what followed from the start of my day to the end… I had to get up early and talk with tech support about a new att u verse router that was giving me a fit. I had stayed up all night trying to get it working but could not…I woke up early and had my coffee on the back porch with all my animals(parrots,doves,rabbits and the chickens…it was most peaceful with the moon still up… Then came tech support…the people that from their accent I take it was from India….followed by and hour and 15 min of hold time so I could get a senior tech on the phone…was I fit to be tied by the time this guy got on the phone…but no India accent this time…as he took control of my computer we talked…this guy was in Canada were it was a cool 70 degrees…it was 9:30 now and like my demeanor about 90 in Texas… He calmly got it done and I was on my way to get a new suit at the mens warehouse for the up coming men’s acts retreat that I am disappearing to next Thursday…time away with me and GOD and I am looking forward to this talk and time with him… the rest of the day was not to eventful till I started to head home… I got a call from a ham radio friend that want to come over for a visit this afternoon, he had just lost his mom Sunday and was in need of some company (a quick call to Darlena to make sure to add some extra to the gumbo pot)…my daughter need me to look at her car that was giving a little trouble so I figure kill two birds with one stone…have her bring the car and the other granddaughter to the house too (another call to darlena to add extra water to the pot this time and some more rice)… I had for got that I had asked butch to come over and cut grass (this was my weekly way to get him to come eat and get a good bath) by this time I knew the gumbo pot was going to be big enough for us all…(the story in the bible about the fish and bread)… When I got home Darlena had the gumbo simmering and had picked up butch…I got him started on the grass cutting…I started looking at jennas car…the grand daughters had every toy in the toy box out in the yard…they were running and playing and I had tears in my eyes from all the joy…every one was having a good time eating gumbo and passing a good time…even the Easter rabbits (johnny bravo and hippty and hoppity came out of hiding to enjoy the fun.. They heard the girls laughing and playing and thought it was another Easter party…my parrots George and Albert had gumbo with me and even matilda the chicken had a bowel all to here self as did sugar the dog…man there was gumbo every were…(the pot never seemed to get empty)…as the evening was coming to a close butch had finished his grass cutting and had cooled down to eat his bowel and drink some cool aid…when he was through he took his shower(I finally got him to leave a set of clothes over here so Darlena could wash them for his next weekly shower)… as he got out of the shower he commented that how good it was to shower with soap and shampoo…I took him back to acres with a few dollars in his pocket…I got back to the house and said my good byes to end the evening…. It was now time for my shower… as I walk out to the out door shower, there was butch’s dirty old clothes folded with his socks set beside the washer and dryer…he had taken the time to fold and set them aside as away of saying thankyou and he appreciated all that we were doing for him…as I showered I had a talk with GOD about being humble…here I was blessed with all that I had for the day…family, friends, food, pets, laughter, tears, and just a plan good time… Moral of the story…when your day is running you in circles and just want to be left alone, remember that there is some one that needs you…so get out of self and be humble …fold your old dirty clothes and set them aside and be grateful that you have a warm shower with soap and shampoo and count your blessing… So like motel 6 GOD is leaving the light on for ya….
Posted on: Thu, 25 Jul 2013 02:43:10 +0000

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