Another long day... The good news, Rick has improved strength - TopicsExpress


Another long day... The good news, Rick has improved strength today. After not having any nourishment for 8 or 9 days and having a trouble with his IV in the night a few days back, he seems stronger. His mental state is good, impatient but recognizing that there has been a marked improvement in some of his mobility. Today they did recreational therapy. The therapist threw him a beach ball and he caught it almost every time and was able to throw it back. He is moving the left hand slower and so it is less spastic or out of control. Walking, well thats the bad news...3 steps on the parallel bars and 2 helpers, he made 3 steps only before he had to sit back down. Dizzy and pain in his head. Since his eyes are not tracking together, they will try it again tomorrow with a patch on one eye and see if that helps. Still seeing double. His other bodily functions are working well except his swallow. They had a different speech therapist in today to try some other tests. He has no gag reflex either. She tried to gag him with a lemon q-tip but it did not respond. So another tact tomorrow. He is concerned about getting clear speech back. He is quite clear, but the limp side of his face makes his speech slurred if he doesnt speak up, which he doesnt do much because its hard work and makes him tired. Me, well I had my moments today...I freaked out on a friend (wasnt naughty to her) but just had to let out a bit of anxiety. God has provided some Godly men to help get our place ready for Ricks homecoming in 3 weeks (maybe) and I was just overwhelmed with what I might have to do to pull it off and they are just doing it. We are so grateful. When they are done I will post the before and after pics. Our bathroom doors are 23 and they have to be at least 32. Every door he needs to go through must be widened and the floors need to be consistent from door to door and room to room. Only 2 of our rooms have flooring that a wheelchair can traverse. A new toilet, handrails, a roll in shower and a sink he can roll the chair under to brush his teeth and shave are all on the agenda. We also want to remove the island part of our galley kitchen so he can roll around the kitchen in circles. Just kidding! He just needs access with out being stuck in the back of the galley at the fridge door with no retreat. Daily life is a whole new ballgame, but the Umpire is making the calls for His winning team. Each song I listen to, each Scripture I read, each devotional speaks to heart of the matter. Trust in the Lord, lean not to your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge HIM and He will direct your paths...Proverbs 3:5 I cant get rid of that emoticon after my name, its supposed to be tired!
Posted on: Fri, 14 Nov 2014 03:28:44 +0000

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