Another night of restless sleep. It seems to be a sign of times - TopicsExpress


Another night of restless sleep. It seems to be a sign of times of expansion. I go to bed and the impact of everything thats changing in my reality gets to me. As I feel my whole identity structure creak and groan from the recalibration thats happening, I get excited, dumbfounded, sometimes scared. In the end, I have to give up sleeping, open my eyes and just say to myself - with a smile on my face if its that kind of night - holy shit, Im just too excited to sleep. -- As some of you know, Im hosting my first online training right now. The Reclaim your Inner Throne beta launch is on week 9. Week 10 is the last. The 15 of us are on the home stretch. Yesterday was my teleseminar night and those nights tend to be ones of awe and mystery. Im experienced at hosting workshops by now, but the online medium has been intimidating to me. So I launched the beta at $179, thinking that I was happy to be paid for doing research. That decision is kicking my ass now. For reasons that are catching me off guard. The men on the course seem to be in full agreement that what theyre experiencing is absolutely amazing, and Im hearing variations on This is the most transformative training Ive ever done, I am surprised at just how profound the changes Im experiencing are, totally brilliant, Ive paid thousands of dollars for trainings that werent half as profound as yours. And there is a general consensus building - that my training needs to be priced at around $2000 (some say even more). Some of them are saying that its a slap in the face for them as participants that I dont charge more than $179. It makes it harder for them to value the breakthroughs theyre experiencing. And now some of them feel guilty or frustrated that they are receiving waaaay more value than they paid for. What a strange situation... Finances are my final frontier. And Im starting to get it: If Im going to teach you how to reclaim your Inner Throne, I need to value my Great Work while sitting on mine. Anything else is out of alignment with reality. Yes, this is kicking my ass. For all my working life, Ive thought of the price for my work as a reflection of my value as a person. Which means Ive felt out of integrity with charging decent money the minute I have a bad day. I realize now that this paradigm is total bullshit. And still, stepping into this new financial reality is terrifying to me. And as were right now on the online training in the process of healing our male lineage, I see why: My grandfather grew up in poverty, but built a business with some considerable success being the Norwegian agent for Singer sewing machines. He lost everything when the depression came (yes, this is almost 100 years ago). That particular river of shame runs through my father right into me. From nothing to something and right back to nothing. But I must walk my talk. Increasing the price of my course to reflect the perceived value among my participants must happen. And as that particular breakthrough is sure to bring up the generational fear of failure - even total collapse - I know what to do: Stay. And let the demons of the past feed on my identity, until poison has been alchemized into medicine. Its a pretty fierce path this Inner Throne work. I want to invite you to be part of this with me. So Id love you to check out the new landing page at inner-throne and get access to some of the material from the 10-week training free of charge. And then tell me what you think. Maybe you want to join the next round? Or maybe you want to make some money selling it as my affiliate? Let me know. This train is going places. Id love to have you on board. And one thing before I leave: So many of you have been important supporters for me in this time of creation and world-renewal. I wouldnt have had a fighting chance getting here without you. It seems that one of the things that happen as we get closer to claiming our Inner Thrones is that we start waking up to the sheer magnitude of love and support that our lives are overflowing with. We are all so blessed. And we have been so all along. If only you could all see what I see. My deep thanks and love yet again, dear friends. Eivind xo
Posted on: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 10:58:07 +0000

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