Another oh-so-persecuted Christian fears that America will slip - TopicsExpress


Another oh-so-persecuted Christian fears that America will slip into Communism if she cant pray to her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ before every county commission meeting. Not that she knows anything about Communism - or America, for that matter. She just knows that Communists are Godless and Jesus loves America. The court tried to explain to the tediously misinformed Christian fascist, that prayers to a specific religious deity werent cool in this giant melting pot of 320 million diverse people whose Constitution guarantees of separation between church and state - for the maintenance and protection of both - but that the commission COULD pray... could seek spiritual guidance... and all that jazz... if they made it universal... to a non-specific deity. After all... no religious test for office... separation of church and state.... bla bla bla. But, County Commissioner Robin Frazier isnt having anything to do with a courts preliminary injunction against opening official government gatherings with a prayer to Jesus Christ! After all... she says its an infringement of HER First Amendment rights if shes asked not to proselytize for Jesus while performing her official government duties! Never mind that the First Amendment actually says, Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof ... and Article VI specifies that no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States. As founding father, Thomas Jefferson, explained, I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, thus building a wall of separation between Church & State. Its Fraziers FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHT to... violate the First Amendment! After all... what was America founded for if not to give a platform for government to promote a specific religion?! Oh wait... hmmm... Never mind... Frazier answers to a higher authority - her ancient book of fables... which, again.... she thinks, inspired the founding fathers to create a government with an intertwined church and state - curiously.... just like the government they fought a revolution to escape. As Mel Gibson says, FREEDOM!!!! Hey! Since when are CONservatives expected to be factually informed about history, reality and the Constitution they pretend to love when trying to turn America into the exact same type of society our founders fled? Sure sounds like Fraziers is getting her history lessons from Sarah Palins Facebook wall! Frazier, like the rest of the CONservative Christian albatrosses around Americas collective neck, is certain that the U.S. was founded on the rights that Jesus gave us... and NOT the radical ideas that ACTUALLY birthed a nation supposedly of, by and for the PEOPLE - namely, the Liberal Age of Enlightenment philosophies that dared dream of a world without ecclesiastical tyranny, superstition and the Divine rights of Kings.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 02:16:36 +0000

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