"Another part of the ego is the part of our soul that is childlike - TopicsExpress


"Another part of the ego is the part of our soul that is childlike and the structure we just talked about, is trying to preserve it. This part is very precious. Why going on a holy war to kill the structure and the little part of the living soul within us and to do damage and destruction by throwing the baby with the bathwater? Why not sort out the puzzle, correct the offness of the structure, put in a new structure and retrieve the divine speck inside. Because within this structure is a speck, a part of our soul, that is most precious. We built a structure to protect it and to preserve it. I believe that the idea of creating a holy war against the ego is beastly. I feel that it is something that has been misused. It has caused a huge stumbling block in the spiritual evolution. It created a splitting within us. We are fighting something within us, which was trying to do the best it could in a situation that was so difficult. I believe that trying to apply compassion, understanding, steadfastness and impeccability to deal with the structure in order to differentiate it, is more useful than being a samurai trying to kill the ego, which is absurd to me. We cannot kill the ego. There is nothing to kill in the first place, we only damage ourselves." ... "The fully awakened ones advertise the integration of the totality of life. They know that everything is precious, every element is precious. It is all needed to create this symphony we call life. We are spirits, we are Beings that are made of light, that can dwell in the material world and that can exist in the essential domain. When we die we are still there, we can also reach enlightenment, be open and awaken in the absolute. We are those spirits, able to journey in all those domains, in this holistic kingdom. The material, the essential and the absolute. All constitute one kingdom. We are spirits that are here to inherit this kingdom. And there is no rest in our soul; there is no fulfillment until we reach this again. We need to recognize that this is our home; this kingdom is ours, both the spiritual and the worldly part of it. We are not made to be spiritualists, even though we are made of spirit. But if we have forgotten the spiritual domain, then we have to awaken to that. There are so many things we have forgotten - our essences, our awakened state. Some souls, they don’t incarnate. They are sitting in spiritual land and they are so afraid to descend and fulfill what there spirit wants to fulfill in life. They need to embody. They need to feel the courage to be here, to learn the skillful means, to get some education, some sustenance; they came to do certain jobs in life. So, the spirit is not about just living in the spiritual domain. Otherwise there will be no life. We would all be in the spiritual domain. But the material world, this world, is also spiritual. This material world is made of pure spirit. And pure spirit is jelling into form and structure." ... "I had to break this ideal for myself, this spiritual ideal. It is an ideal that many people feel. They are regarding their life as meaningless unless they become spiritualist and do a spiritual life. Then they become transcendentalists and turn against their body, turn against this worldly existence, while we are meant to have all of it. We are the Alpha and the Omega. We are everything: the Body, the Ego, the Soul, the Essence, and the Absolute... If we are less than that we are incomplete. And most importantly we are a Soul, a Spirit, or a Higher Self that is meant to inherit this whole kingdom and live in it, and navigate and evolve forever..." rani-willems.org/diamond_en.html#interview
Posted on: Sat, 20 Jul 2013 05:32:28 +0000

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