Another public service announcement- What most people see when you - TopicsExpress


Another public service announcement- What most people see when you put a no I one reads my wall or something simular status....I need attention. I really want you to stop what your doing and focus on me. I am narcissistic self entitled and if I dont have attention I will slip into a melo-dramatic deppression because no one loves me. Its sad that we as a generation are so self-involved that we feast on non-stop attention, we are literally consumed by the need for attention that we dont deserve because ever since we were little we were told we could do anything, for nothing, no effort needed that we started thinking the world owes us something. It doesnt. You gotta work. Hard. We are a culture of quick fixes, instant gratification, and fantasies about fame and popularity. We are obsessed with ourselves. So heres some unmerrited advice, figure out what the root of your pain, deppression, hatred, or lethargy is...accept it, own It. Get off of facebook/twitter or whatever youre addicted to get you need satisfied for the next 5 minutes and find something your passionate about, then set out to change your little piece of the world. EVERYTHING isnt about you. And for the record, you ARE loved, by someone, somewhere. If just for one second wed lift our head up out of our own crap and clean the shit out of our eyes wed probably see it too. We would probably realize that people and relationship have NOTHING to do with social media. Food for thought. Soap has now been put away.
Posted on: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 00:40:48 +0000

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