Another reason for Daniels spiritual strength The Most High - TopicsExpress


Another reason for Daniels spiritual strength The Most High rules in the kingdom of men (Dan. 4:25, 32 ; 5:21) is one of the basic truths taught in the book of Daniel. So not only was he strong because he had made up his mind as Dan 1 :8 tells us, but he knows something that each of us should know and that is , dictators and petty politicians may have thought they were in control, but Daniel knew better. As a devoted Jew, Daniel knew that there was but one true God, the Lord Jehovah, and that He ruled all things with wisdom and power. The Babylonians changed Daniels address, his name, and his education, and they tried to change his standards, but they couldnt change his theology! God was sovereign when He permitted Babylon to conquer Judah, and He was sovereign in sending Daniel and his friends to Babylon. In every aspect of Daniels life and service, he depended totally on the God of heaven who is sovereign over all things. Some people associate sovereignty with slavery, when actually our surrender to Gods sovereign will is the first step toward freedom. And I will walk at liberty, for I seek Your precepts (Ps. 119:45 ). We can yield ourselves to Him with great confidence because He is our Father, and He loves us too much to harm us and He is too wise to make a mistake. Nor should divine sovereignty be confused with fatalism, What will be will be. Fatalism is belief in an impersonal force thats working out its blind but inevitable purposes in this world, whether its the economic forces of materialism and Communism or the survival of the fittest in Darwinian evolution. One is tempted to ask, What established this force? What keeps it going? If its inevitable, why can we resist it or choose not to accept it? The Christian believers faith is in a personal God, a loving God who plans for us the very best (Jer. 29:11). The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want (Ps. 23: 1). And the third thing or reason for Daniels strength was; He Had a Disciplined Prayer Life Jewish people were accustomed to pray at nine oclock in the morning, noon, and three oclock in the afternoon, the third, sixth, and ninth hours of the day, and Daniel carried that discipline with him to Babylon. Those who set aside special times of prayer are more likely to pray without ceasing (1 Thess. 5:17), for the special times of prayer help to sanctify all times and keep us in touch with God. When Daniel and his friends needed to know Nebuchadnezzars dream and understand it, they gave themselves to prayer, and when the Lord gave them the answer, they prayed further and thanked Him (Dan. 2:14-23). When Daniels life was in danger, he went to God, in fact he when to God about every thing. That was the reasons Daniel was like he was and we are like we are spiritually. It is no mystery.
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 21:49:09 +0000

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