Another relentless barrage of chemtrails over my city today. They - TopicsExpress


Another relentless barrage of chemtrails over my city today. They must have started hammering us overnight, since the skies were already inundated with strafing after strafing by dawns early light, overlain with a helter-skelter, Haarp-directed microwave laden mesh. Whether you’re willing to acknowledge it or not, your environment is being artificially engineered, your immediate & long-term health directly threatened by the ongoing imposition of Stratospheric Aerosol Geo-engineering aka chemtrailing on your community, the species itself permanently altered, and if you choose to stick your head in the sand, history certainly won’t begrudge you for it. And those criminals getting away with this attrociously illegal ongoing crime against humanity will thank you for rolling over and complying without attempting to defend your inherent rights. But in the end you will have done nothing to make a difference for future generations…let alone potentially overlooking the damaging influence your compliance with these crimes will ultimately have on your children. And by extension you will never have earned the right to stand free from tyranny and proclaim your independence. What’s so frustrating to acknowledge about the whole Chemtrail issue is the fact that none of this orchestrated destruction has to unfold as it is planned for us. We are allowing a small handful of lunatics in charge, behind the scenes, through a shadow government network that pulls the strings from the UN, Nato, Military & Air Force echelons on down through all regional departments to carry out their sick plans unhindered & without contest. It’s as though we’ve just given up and sat back in reticent compliance, because we think it’s all too complex a machinery to stop the wheels…when the truth is, we could halt this monstrous program overnight if enough of us banded together from around the world to stop it. This attitude must change or else we simply have no future whatsoever. Furthermore, most current meteorologists have no integrity whatsoever any longer, a band of liars, choosing to ignore the imminent threat posed by the ongoing Chemtrail agenda. The mainstream media blackout on coverage & widespread systemic denial of the glaring Chemtrail assault of our skies around the world is one of the most shameful displays of ignorance & corruption in the history of journalism. VRM
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 01:56:10 +0000

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