Another rescued cat, Day 5. After we got home from a GREAT - TopicsExpress


Another rescued cat, Day 5. After we got home from a GREAT afternoon with Megan, Riley, Caity and Shaun watching as the Steelers trounced the Browns, a little cat showed up at our back door mewing, and mewing and mewing. Jeff wanted to feed it, got a box for it and we hoped that would help. Not to be so. He let the cat in because it was cold out. He was dirty, had a significant limp and a protruding sternum was as though he were hit by a car. We fed him, although the crunchy food just kept falling out of his mouth, made up a box with the heating pad, and closed him up for the night in the bathroom. Took care of him Monday and Tuesday, Jeff didnt want to take him to the vet. Worried about feline leukemia and other diseases, I took him to the vet Wed. Exam, sedation, X-rays, pain medication............his hip cradle is deformed and cannot straighten out, but there is no fracture, meaning he wasnt HURT by someone or something. The vet couldnt explain how a cats skeleton could get that deformed without an injury but the good news is he doesnt need surgery etc............I couldnt have afforded to help with that anyways. So he is now on pain meds for a few days due to the manipulation of his spine and hips which will likely be hurting. Also got treated for fleas......oiy. He is able to eat better since I bought the soft stuff. His food & water, and the other cats food and water will each be on quarantine for 2 weeks and he will be retested for the leukemia and immunized for other contagious cat stuff. With all the preliminary stuff done...............Anyone want a rescued cat? I already have 2.....he is sweet...........
Posted on: Thu, 28 Nov 2013 16:35:08 +0000

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