Another sample from my upcoming novella series "Contractor". - TopicsExpress


Another sample from my upcoming novella series "Contractor". Military/scifi fans please share! A lucky shot hit me in the grid as soon as it cleared the doorframe, snapping my head back with a sickening crunch which scrambled my vision for a moment, leaving me feeling like a bomb had gone off in my brain. Something definitely cracked in there as I thanked science for sub dermal plates. The wooden doorframe met the back of my skull with a thud and I was grateful to the cartel for supplying their guys with standard hollow points as I fell naturally into a firing position, cracking off shots as fast as I could. I had to gain the advantage, had to win the firefight and dominate the corridor or my movement would be greatly impeded. I stepped straight back into the fray, finger working the trigger as I moved from target to target, bang bang switch bang bang switch like an automaton, years of experience turned into instinct. At this range again, it was impossible to miss. Rounds found their marks, targets fell. My opponents were not so ingrained with the desire to fight, and five or so guys broke away, darting into rooms under the force of my assault. These dudes had no idea what was coming for them. They were used to bullying shop owners or doing drive-bys, they had never come across a commando before, never seen a human stop a bullet with his face. It must have scared the shit out of them. My blood was up. The smell of burnt flesh and cordite was thick in the air as I barrelled into the next room, emptying the last of my mag into the fleeing cartel man. His compadre tried to turn, tried to bring his weapon to bear as I bore down on him like an out of control mag rail car. Not bothering to reload, My left arm punched out, triggering the knuckle blade which cracked through the centre of his skull, sending a jolt of resistance up my arm as it tore through cartilage and bone alike. Removing the dead mook from my blade with a swift push kick, I retracted it and changed mag again, breathing hard, painfully aware of how fast I was burning ammo. Totally in the zone, I flinched at the sound of several PEW cannon opening up outside, their muzzle flashes strobing in the gloom, buzzing reports snapping me out of my rhythm. "You have multi... foot mo..... .rying to flank you" I risked a peek out of the window, narrowing my eyes against the water that felt the need to batter me like shrapnel and clocked a group of cartel men, firing into the sky. Two of them were face down and as I watched, the drones flat packed another onto the deck with withering hails of fire. "Zero, one. Keep those fellas contained please." "Roger that."
Posted on: Sat, 20 Jul 2013 17:49:55 +0000

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