Another small mini blog- Being bald and blinking - TopicsExpress


Another small mini blog- Being bald and blinking freezing!!!, Well not sure on hindsight with having your locks shaved and then going on to have chemo in another 12 hour session was one of the better ideas Ive had. But yesterday morning my attitutude was hair has to go, Im fed up picking strand of hair in my mouth and down my throat! So I went to the hospital with one of the wigs on which actuall I think looked more like a hat on my head as I still had a small amount of hair inside! Walked across the road road car park making my hubby carry my handbag as I held my hair! Theres always a first time!! It wasnt even windy but my mind was running away with all these scenarios of it flying down the main road or ending up on a roof. I had to laugh as hubby hates carrying womens handbags but he was privileged it was my Mulberry not that it bothered him in the slightest, he was more concerned it was pink!! Once inside i relieved him of his duties and he was a happy bunny!!! Got the bloods then said right- lets go,for it, so off we traipsed to get hair shaved I let him off carrying bag duties for that! straight in and out come the clippers.Yikes! I was waiting for a cappuccino and a nice Rombouts coffee biscuit but no how could you ever serve coffee with the place snowing down with hair. I said to,hairdresser I wanted to,sit with my back to the mirror but it took longer than I imagined so,eventually I turned round and kept my eyes closed! Hubby kept throwing in lovely compliments saying its lovely darling - it really suits you Eh, what the heck- had he taken one of my diazapan!. When I did look for a millisecond I thought ok Evei right deep breaths, get the wig on quick! So wig back and on it looked so much better than before I went in and didnt look so much like a hat but it sat so much better. I didnt even hold it walking back for chemo. I just let it flow in the wind, felling like a model in the hair adverts!!! So all in all, wasnt just as bad it is so a Much a feminine thing. I think it more the eyebrow,and the eyelashes, the nose hairs, the everywhere hairs that will now be deciding to say goodbye to me for a while so thats the next thing to contend with! But Im going to,the Looking good course with Macmillian that should be interesting. I did ask if I gould get my ears pierced as I then thought right im going to,wear nice big gypsy,earring- but no not allowed to,get any piercings and I hate clip on earrings as I always only come home with one! chemo number 4 was fine yesterday no,major,disasters which is great as therer has been something every week. But 12 hours sitting in that environment can be extremely mindboggling boring. I do bring magazines and books but Im too nosey and instead of reading I prefer to look at peoples headwear and trying to work out if they are wearing a wig or not, humans hair or not? What am I like, but it does pass the time of day! I havent had the nerve to ask anyone yet but when I have my final 18th you never know! Today bed with my sleep cap yes so fetching but it got silver stars on it. Its pretty but its bed only. It stayed on last night whilst I slept I had visions of it being at the bottom of the bed this morning but you it stayed on that was a positive! Anyway, this has turned into another essay. Today is the first day living for the meantime as being bald, so lets hope its fun. Thanks again for all msgs, again so appreciated. On a final note my sweet hubby who I havent seen for the past hour and has just come upstairs and he is 100% bald. Shaved the whole lot off while I have been blogging. Philip, you are a star and I love it. The problem is our dog Suzie is totally confused and looking at us from a distance!!! Hilarious. Thanks again. Much love to you all out in Canspiration land. Nearly at 1000 likes so lets get there. And please place your blogs. I know from reading comments that other people on this page like reading other peoples journeys and what funny,incidents happen on this crazy time in our lives. So,that ends my blog/ essay for today. Remember a problem shared is a problem halved thanks all xxxx
Posted on: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 07:34:26 +0000

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