Another snippet from Forgotten Angel. This one takes place RIGHT - TopicsExpress


Another snippet from Forgotten Angel. This one takes place RIGHT after Luke and Ryan announce their daughters name (which happens at the end of the epilogue of Wild Angel)… * * * * * While congratulations were offered, Becky stepped away from her cousin and his wife to embrace her parents. Though she hadn’t seen them nearly enough since she’d followed Justin to Wyoming, it wasn’t like she’d been completely alienated from them, and yet today was so remarkably different than any of her hasty visits because she was home to stay. Her father didn’t say a word but hugged her for a long time with a strength that said clearly how much he’d missed her and how glad he was that she was home. She clung to him, realizing just how thoroughly she’d missed the comfort and protection of his arms. That, at least, hadn’t changed, and she knew it never would, no matter how much her family changed. It’s a special kind of love between a daughter and her father, Becky mused, glancing briefly over her father’s shoulder at her cousin, who had regained his daughter from his in-laws. “I love you, Daddy,” she whispered. “I love you, too, darling,” Andy replied. “Always.” “Why didn’t you tell us you were coming?” her mother asked, shoving her husband aside to hug Becky nearly as tightly. “Not that I care. I’m just glad to see you.” “Well, you’re going to be seeing a lot more of me,” Becky murmured. “Honestly, I just made the decision two days ago, right after Luke called to tell me about his daughter’s birth.” “You’re really moving home?” her brother asked. “Yep. Which means you and I are going to be spending a lot of time together bonding, little man. I’ve got a lot of lost time to make up for.” James, evidently, had not yet reached the stage of being too cool to be completely thrilled about his sister’s return and launched himself into Becky’s waiting arms. She lifted him of the ground with his arms wrapped tightly around her neck. In that moment, all her worries about no longer fitting into her family seemed silly and childish. “I can’t wait,” he said. “We’re gonna have so much fun!” “You bet we will.” * * * * *
Posted on: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 17:18:08 +0000

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