Another snippet from Stephan (Caveman instinct) Please remember - TopicsExpress


Another snippet from Stephan (Caveman instinct) Please remember it is unedited. I was surprised Derick came and not Stephan. Easing off the bed I grabbed Jess and dragged her to the front door. Derick stood at the small apartment door grinning down at Jess’s mum. I could tell he’d been charming her, Jess’s mother’s cheeks were bright red and she had a huge smile on her face. “Hi Derick. I would ask how you found me, but I have a feeling I know.” I remembered the phone sale assistant telling me my new phone had GPS tracking system. “He turned the tracker on.” Derick confirmed what I was thinking. “Is he in the car?” I know I didn’t have to say who. Derick would know who I was talking about. Derick’s gaze turned my way and he gave me a wicked smirk, his brown eyes lighting up with amusement. “My brother does have some brain cells, he knew that sitting in a car for an hour and half ride home with you wouldn’t be very smart. He wants you extra calm.” “I expected as much. “ I hugged Jess and turned to Mrs. Stren. “Thanks so much for picking me up and having me here.” Mrs. Stren hugged me. “You’re always welcome Jade.” Lapping up the love I was reluctant to ease away. Closing my eyes I squeezed Mrs. Stren who’d been more of a mother to me than my own. “Thank you.” I pulled away and went over to Derick before I begged Mrs. Stren to take me in. Derick’s arm came around my waist and I was surprised by his affection. “Come on sis. Let’s go. We have a decent size drive at this time of night.” We walked down the hall and at the end near the stairs, I saw a man I was sure Id seen about a couple of time. He was tall, about six one, bulky, like he worked out a lot, he had rusty brown hair with silver flakes and perceiving green eyes that saw everything. “I know Stephan told me to stay back but I have a bad feeling.” “Who are you?” I stared at the man. “I’m Brand.” “Hi Brand. Are you related to Derick?” “Nope.” What did he mean nope? Who was he then? They all walked down the stairs Brand first. He gazed around everywhere like someone or something was about to pop out and kill them. I didn’t know Brand but I’d grown up around here. It may look like a bad neighborhood but no one had been killed while I lived here. “Brand, it’s fine. No one is going to jump out at us. I’ve lived in this neighborhood all my life.” “That may be princess, but I’m getting a bad feeling. I always listen to my gut.” Princess? Why on earth would Brand call her that? “My name is Jade. I am anything but a princess.” Brand halted them at the doors leading outside. “To this family, you’re a princess. They will treat you like one.” I narrowed my gaze on Brand, how did he know this? Why did he think this? “I don’—” “Quiet.” Brand said. “I need you to listen and do everything I say. Derick knows the drill. He’s been trained as soon as he could walk to know what to do when we are on alert. You haven’t. You follow behind me. If I say down you get down. If I tell you to do anything you do it without argument.” Okay, this guy was freaking me out. I looked to Derick but he seemed calm and like this happened all the time. “What the hell is going on Derick?”
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 19:13:08 +0000

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