Another somewhat not scary dream..(combined for easier - TopicsExpress


Another somewhat not scary dream..(combined for easier reading) -------------------------------- Part 1 ------ In the year 2016 a new virtual reality massive multiplayer online game was about to be released(but you could pre-order it before its release date)...Its Name: Can you Stay Alive? the graphics,gameplay,content,everything about it was too perfect to be true in fact you could also pick any character you wanted from any previous games you played to play in that game but there was something weird about this game...there was no publisher no trailers but the hype was intense everyone was talking about it.So i decided to buy the game myself but a friend wanted to gift me one on my that kinda saved my wallet abit xD. Soon the day arrived and as promised he bought a copy of the game for me as well.I was excited screaming and getting all giddy inside as if im a little kid again so i put the disc in the CD slot of my Virtual Reality gaming headset(everyone apparently has one in my dream) and it began downloading..1 percent,2 percent ,3 percent...100 percent! Woah that was fast o.o dayuuummmm technology these days i said to myself. Oh well time to begin i smiled and said to myself as i look at the loading screen..then after a few short minutes of waiting it loaded..there were 3 options start game,choose character, and graphics settings but there was no exit button O.O! i was a little shocked but i ignored it and clicked on the choose character button and instantly a character creation screen plus huge list of games ive played before appeared.Choose your Character! the game said so i went on to pick my character from The Elder Scrolls Skyrim saved file no. 506 then it lagged a little but it successfully loaded and a pop up message said OK! Youre all set now click start game and...TRY TO SURVIVE HAHAHAHA the game replied in a demonic voice. uh okay o.o that was a nice jump scare xD nice going whoever made this game lol i said to myself. Then when the loading finished i was warped into a waiting Lobby with Millions of Players waiting for the game to begin.. the words then appeared: please wait till 12 before the game begins then a huge clock appeared showing the time, it was 11:58. Oh okay i said to myself just 2 more minutes haha then we can have some fun >:D.(also there was a message that any player that came after 12 o clock could not register into the game any more and had to wait till next year to play. Damn im lucky well not really xD)when the clock striked 12 the environment around us changed and we were all transported into the game..all of us were separated from each other into random locations but in groups. then a huge cloud of dark mist gathered in the middle of the sky and a giant monstrous Grim Reaper-like Monster appeared. with a scythe on his right and a giant scroll on his left he looked menacing.then he pulled out the scroll and began reading what was on the scroll Lemme Introduce myself I AM THE RULE MAKER IN THIS PLACE BUT I AM NOT ITS MASTER ALTHOUGH WHATEVER RULE I MAKE MUST BE FOLLOWED OR YOU WILL DIE. the THREE MAIN RULES ARE(there were other smaller ones but i forgot what they were) 1.You cannot exit this game until you complete it 2.Die in this game you die for real. 3.There can only be 1 survivor ANY QUESTIONS!? he roared out loud When the 3rd rule was read everyone was in panic! what do we do? there can only be 1 survivor!! T^T i dont wanna die one of them cried out loud.. How did this happen?!?! more and more began to cry out in despair.. i was pissed.. when i heard this. gonna fix a few of his rotten joints into place..>:D i said to some of my newly found friends. dude ARE YOU INSANE hes like level 98,741! cant you see his stats?!? we can barely touch him in this state to top it off we dont even know anything about this game yet he said as he showed me a Stat viewer. oh dont worry about that i smiled at him confidently >:). then i dashed at the Reaper Instantly appearing infront of him and grabbing him on the face then smashing him into the ground causing a giant crater..Wha? What happened??!?! ugh i cant move why you...Said the Reaper. Change rule no.3 now i said to the reaper while pinning him on the ground with 1 hand.WHAT!?!?! NO I SHALL NOT... AGH!!!! he screamed as i began crushing his face.I SHALL NOT SUBMIT TO YOU he screamed louder as i squeezed tighter.we shall see about that.. then i began engulfing him in blue flames from my hand that pinned him down.GAHH!!!!! NOO!!!!! AHHH!!!.YOU WIN!, YOU WIN! THERE CAN NOW BE 2 survivors!!He screamed out loud. Make it 3 i replied to him. NO! NO MORE... AHH!!!!! he screamed while i intensified my flames..OK OK 3! he exclaimed in pain.. Now make it 4 i replied. why you.. he said while angrily looking at me with red ghoulish eyes.. WHOA SHIT hes nuts making him change the rules like that o.o one of the people from the crowd exclaimed. now make it 5.. i said again I SHALL TAKE NO MORE OF THIS! he screamed out in an angered demonic voice.. I SHALL KILL YOU AND MAKE YOUR SOUL AND EVERYONE HERE PERISH ESPECIALLY YOU AHAHAHAHA! he exclaimed arrogantly. Alright youve been boring with me with your girlish screams for the past 10 minutes so why not show me whats left of your manhood eh? I mocked him while giggling softly and letting him free. YOU WILL REGRET THIS!!!!!! he raged with fiery anger..and began speaking in a weird language. Hmm seems familiar.. oh demon language? man this really aint no ordinary game is it i thought to myself,then all of a sudden a dark aura began encircling around me and i realized he was summoning some sort of ancient evil.. heh cool guess ill beat your ass again and make you change the rules some more ahahaha xD i said to him while laughing(now just in case you didnt know how i looked in my dream.. I have a GIGANTIC greatsword equipped on my back about the size of 6-8 ft long and wearing some normal shirt and pants). soon he finished mumbling and the successful summoning brought about a Huge,towering, Multi-Headed Beast about 6-8 stories high with its rider holding a two-handed Poleaxe the length of about 5-7 times my greatsword lol and its body was made of the corpses of its victims... AHAHAHAHA YOU LET ME GO AND IT WAS YOUR MISTAKE NOW I SHALL WATCH YOU GET CRUSHED UNDER THE MIGHT OF THIS BEHEMOTH OF A DEMON, MANY BEFORE YOU HAVE ENCOUNTERED THIS BEAST AND NOW ARE APART OF IT HAHAHA The Reaper boasted arrogantly. Meh Godzillas bigger but DAYUMM THEM GRAPHICS, technology these days.. oh well IM SO GONNA ENJOY THIS XD I Giggled inside while putting a smile on my face.Then in a flash he swung his 40+ foot long Poleaxe at impossible speeds! while just the force the swing caused entire landscapes to get demolished killing around 400+ players DAYUMM LOL SO HAX i said while dodging every single one of them. then the beast slammed its claw into the ground and started releasing huge organic matters full of demons crawling out.. they were all moving either in a dislocated manner either with their heads backwards,on all fours or backwards,while reaching out to get you!.. each one of them could easily outrun a man in a race.The number of dead players was piling up from our fight due to the beast swinging its claws wildly and its rider slamming its poleaxes into safety areas and that broke the rules too!HAHAHAHA WHATS WRONG MORTAL CANT YOU DO ANYTHING BUT DODGE MY ATTACKS WHILE YOURE FRIENDS DIE FROM THEM!?!? YOU WERE LAUGHING A MINUTE AGO AND BOASTING TOO NOW YOUR JUST HELPLESSLY DODGING MY ATTACKS WHILE YOUR FRIENDS SUFFER AHAHAHAHAHA! JUST SO YOU KNOW FOR EACH PLAYER I KILL I GROW EVER STRONGER AND GAIN EXTRA LIVES, THAT MEANS IF U KILL ME YOU HAVE TO DO IT OVER AND OVER AGAIN ACCORDING TO HOW MANY SOULS I HAVE TAKEN TILL INEVITABLY YOU GROW WEARY AND BECOME A PART OF ME WHILE I STAY FRESH FROM THE SOULS I CONSUME..SO WHY NOT JUST STOP DODGING AND BE CONSUMED ALREADY HAHAHAHA JUST GIVE UP I CANT DIE!(btw the crowds of people were watching and also unable to attack due to them being not strong enough to break the barrier but the beast could just go right through and just kill them) he laughed boastfully while swinging wildly at me. I then stopped dodging..Youre right.. I said while stopping his poleaxe with one finger and breaking it i should stop dodging.. prepare to die ..I smiled at him while looking straight into his eyes.. immediately he was paralyzed with fear.Wha..what? what is this... i dont even sense any amount of power surging from him?!?! but he even blocked my poleaxe which could tear dimensions apart with one finger and he broke it!. he replied in deep shaking fear. Part 2 ------ So you claim that the many souls you have taken grant you the invincibility and the power you hold dear so much but... have you ever heard of the item from the Elder Scrolls called the Azuras Star? its Lore states that it has the ability to contain an infinite amount of souls of whatever its user slays..Be it a man or a deity as long i slay you,you and all those souls you collected will be all in vain..I said while looking into the beasts eyes.. A..azuras star!?! impossible WHERE DID GET YOUR HANDS ON SUCH AN ITEM?!?! NO MAN OR DEITY HAS BEEN ABLE TO TOUCH THAT VILE OBJECT WITHOUT THEMSELVES BEING KILLED OR SOUL TRAPPED IN THE PROCESS! READ UP YOUR FACTS KID IF YOU USE THAT ITEM WE BOTH GO DOWN! Exclaimed the beast in intense fear. oh i did >:)..apparently the item is only as strong as its if one is to surpass the who made it, the item will have minimal to no effect on them..well i could just soul trap you myself without the help of such a painfully long item to obtain since(Azuras got a big mouth and that was mostly part of the delays).. i wouldnt like hearing voices in my head about you 24/7 would i? atleast this stupid old rock can keep you company for an eternity xD I boastfully replied while kicking away the organic matter he spewed out like soccer balls. b..but to obtain the Azuras star..dont you need to kill Azura Herself to obtain one?!?!?! said the beast Really??? lol all i did was just ask nicely lol unlike you.. i guess you would run in without reading a single dialogue xD and try to obtain it by brute force which would most likely make you end up in a tiny little bottle xD where someone peed in x). SUCH ARROGANCE! Ill HAVE YOU KNOW I RANK 21 AMONG THE 30 LORDS HERE IN TERMS OF SKILL,INTELLIGENCE AND TACTICS IN BATTLE!!! AND EACH RANK IS LEAGUES/WORLDS AHEAD OF THE OTHER!! SO TAKE THOSE WORDS BACK YOU WORTHLESS INSECT!! he replied angrily this time trying to consume me whole by opening its gaping wide chest made of bones and body parts of its victims while covering about half the size of a football field. lolololol i sense denial bro and ya finally got over your fear of insects by trying to eat one eh xD not much a bright plan there Mr.strategist I replied while flicking him away with my index finger..instantly causing an even more gigantic explosion in his already football field sized chest this time ripping through his entire body, soul trapping him and his innumerable number of souls in the Azuras Star while destroying a few mountains and 3/4 of the demons spewing out from the his dead body in the process(dont worry the force was directed away from the people).there we go but dang i think i overdid it with the mountain busting oh well.. now.. wheres that Reaper MWAHAHAHAHA I laughed evilly as i looked around. hohohohoho disguising yourself as a human wont let Santa get you off his LIST AND SANDY CLAWS LOVES HIS DAMN LIST i said while pursuing the reaper through the undead forests with a mischievous smile >:). no no!! SANTA PLEASE STOP I DONT WANT TO SIT ON YOUR LAP! T^T he replied while trying to teleport away.HOHOHOHO YOUVE BEEN A BAD BOY AND SANTAS GONNA GET MESELF A NEW LAMP >:D i replied while cleaving through the remaining hordes of demons that were spawned back in my battle with the behemoth with my bare hands but suddenly i tripped(yes wtf) and he got away I then got up on my feet just to find out that mostly everyone was already gone, they most probably scattered to safety during my fight with the Behemoth(few were trembling in fear unable to move from their original starting locations). I then accessed my map(which was available to everyone at the start of the game but the locations must be discovered before they will appear on the map) and saw that it was HUGE infact it scaled to the size of our planet anyone could easily get lost! plus i even foolishly attacked the reaper before he could finish saying the objective of the game! bad i said to myself.Then all of a sudden giant fiery words began forming in the sky that said: LET THE GAMES BEGIN! CURRENT MISSION 1.GATHER 5 PEOPLE IN A GROUP AND HEAD FOR THE DEADLANDS. 2.IF YOU DO NOT HAVE 5 PEOPLE IN YOUR PARTY OR DO NOT BELONG TO ONE BY THE END OF TODAY YOU WILL BE PERMANENTLY ISOLATED FROM THE REST OF THE OTHER PLAYERS WHILE YOU BATTLE COUNTLESS DEMONS FOR AN ETERNITY UNTIL YOU BECOME THEIR FOOD. 3.IF SO HAPPEN ONE OF YOUR MEMBERS DIE OR GOT HAS BEEN SEPARATED FROM THE PARTY AND YOU FAIL TO FIND OR REPLACE HIM IN A DURATION OF 1 HOUR ALL OF YOU IN THE PARTY OR GROUP WILL BE SENT THERE AS WELL 4.I WILL ESPECIALLY SEE TOWARDS YOUR SUFFERING WHOEVER YOU ARE WHO KILLED THE BEHEMOTH BECAUSE I WILL MAKE YOU PAY FOR HUMILIATING ME SO BADLY hmm.. seems fun. This will be an awesome playground for me indeed ... Part 3 ------ Hey... you there whats your name i asked the person crying in fear um. M... Matt...He replied with tears running down his cheeks a..are you going to kill me too? D: he continued no but im going to give you two can either suck it up..e with me and fight for your right to live or you can sit here keep on crying till this protection barrier wears off in twenty minutes and those things come to rip you limb from limb.. its your choice.. i replied in a serious tone O...okay..ill come with you... he replied..good now accept my party invitation and watch the minimap at the top corner of your screen carefully..Mark down any possible landmarks or safe points that we can use as a place to rest and regroup... if we manage to find 3 more players to join our party... i sighed alright ill keep that in mind! he replied attentively also open up your group minimap im going to set a mapmarker just I told Matt EEEHHH!?!??!?! b..b...but isnt that the Forest of Gluttony?!?!? he exclaimed in total disagreement Yeah so? i replied dont you know that almost everyone is avoiding that place?!? didnt you read the news feed?!?! he replied back in total shock ermm what about it..(>.
Posted on: Mon, 19 May 2014 12:17:19 +0000

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