Another strange thing happened to me at The Ferry Terminal - TopicsExpress


Another strange thing happened to me at The Ferry Terminal yesterday. Theres always strange things happening there! As I was entering the terminal from the train, a young Hasidic guy came right up to me and asked me if I was Jewish? I asked him, whats it to you? Well, he was going up to people that he thought possibly appeared to be Jewish to wish them a Happy Passover. I told him that I was Jewish, because the way that I see it, I am! But thats not the way he saw it. He then asked me if my mother was Jewish? Well, once I told him no, he then sneered at me in disgust and walked away. I though, what an asshole! Another smug, arrogant, know nothing Larval religious! I know the game, the spiritual trap only too well. You go around the world like a mental patient looking to please God, or your misunderstandings and misconceptions of what you think God is, and its all about you and that notion, and then you go around and treat everyone else like crap in the process, and that is supposed to please God somehow. To be a Jew is of the spirit. Circumcision is of the spirit. We are Jews inwardly, not outwardly. But I suppose it takes time and a lot of falling on your ass before you understand that. In the meantime, I had to suffer insult from a Hasidic Douche bag. LOL Oi! I have found that there really is no crazy quite like Staten Island crazy. LOL
Posted on: Sat, 05 Apr 2014 17:51:30 +0000

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