Another superstition that they are spreading is the ill-effect of - TopicsExpress


Another superstition that they are spreading is the ill-effect of sneezing. It is they who cause harm to somebody by their diabolic power nut people are made to believe that the person had seen someone’s face in the morning and that’s why he had to undergo a lot of problems throughout the day. The person who has had an extremely bad day doesn’t know that the effect of black magic is behind it. No harm comes by seeing the face of one or the other. Because in everyone’s body and soul there is manifestation of God. The Almighty lives in every creature. Everyone has within himself the light of God. Do you think that during the Sat-yuga some other God was there and now a different God is there? God is the same in every era. During the Sat-yuga people had a lot of compassion and friendly feeling for each other. There was a harmonious relation among all human beings, animals and plants God lived in every soul. But ever since the banias have started this sinful practice, people have lost their wisdom and good sense. Innumerable superstitions have been spread in the world. It is not possible for me to write about each and every superstitious have been spread in the world. It is not possible for me to write about each and every superstition doing the round in the world. There is no end to these superstitions. They (the banias) are causing havoc in the world by getting the diabolic rite performed. One after another calamity or personal loss forces one to believe in these superstitions. Thus the incessant occurrence of natural and other disasters has made this land fertile for all kinds of superstitions to grow and prosper. The world can live in peace only when you succeed in dismantling their diabolic operation being secretly performed. If you can do it, the Sat-yuga with all its happiness and prosperity will return and will continue for all time to come. You have been frequently blaming the Kaliyuga for all your woes. In fact the Kaliyuga is nothing but an outcome of the diabolic practices of the banias. These practices are similar to those started by Ravana and Hiranyakashipu. The banias have given these practices the name of Kaliyuga. Ravana had destroyed the wisdom of the people by performing the diabolic rite against the world and its people. In the same way the banias have also destroyed the wisdom of the people of the world so that they can establish their supremacy over the whole world. It is the need of the hour that all of you should join hands to dismantle this sin of the Kaliyuga. If you succeed in your venture and would not allow this sinful practice to take place ever again, the Sat-yuga will manifest in the happiness and prosperity of the world. The practice of diabolism belongs to the banias community from the very beginning. It originated in India. The Hindus, the Muslims, and the banias were born and brought up in the same subcontinent. People all over the world say and believe that those who belong to the same country live in an atmosphere of amity and harmony and are well disposed to each other. They respect each other’s honour and would not expose it to be assailed by an outsider. But these wicked banias for their self-interest have been practicing diabolism since long. They keep unto themselves the core of this esoteric knowledge and teach others, the Hindus and the Muslims, some part of it slyly. They lured Ravana, Hiranyakashipu, Kansa, Karun and others into learning this black art assuring them that by practising it they could extend their empire to the whole world. But instead a total doom and destruction took over their entire race. All the while the banias were pretending to be friendly with them and would not let them get an inkling of their secret designs. Although, the banias are the compatriots of others living in India, they have ruined them by their diabolic practices. Now they are aiming at the people of other continents. They intend to trap the rulers of the foreign empires including the British, the Romans and others in their game plan. They will tempt you to extend your empire to the whole world as they did with Ravana, Hiranyakashipu and others. They will coax you to learn a little bit of their occult practices which according to them will help you in extending empire. You will then come under their spell as did Ravana and Hiranyakashipu who were ultimately doomed. In spite of all this the people of India are not aware of their sinister activities. Ruination is caused by their diabolic practice but people, misguided by some dubious texts are attributing their misfortunes to the will of God or the curse of some deities. Thus the banias have indulged in all kinds of trickery and deception and it is difficult to track them all. You must be cautious and vigilant. They have already ruined India and whatever little has been left of it will soon be destroyed by tempting you to come to rule India. All the continents, one after another, will likewise be ruined. A few people will then be left making it easier for the banias to monopolies the economic and political power all over the world. With this motive, they have been practising the mystic ritual of diabolism. They will be the rulers of all when only a few countries will be left in the world. Under the spell of diabolism, people in those countries will have lost their sense of judgment and as a result will be at each other’s throat. If you have any doubt, you can see what happens when the Hindus and the Muslims celebrate their respective religious festivities. Different communities observe different festivals. Festivals are the occasions when people should follow the true spirit of religion by offering food to the Sadhus and faqirs or to one another. But when the Muslims and the Hindus take out their respective processions, they start fighting and hurting each other. So much has their intellect been corrupted. The rulers of all the countries and continents should note that people in India are speaking ill of their own brothers. They are fighting and killing each other because their wisdom has been captivated. Ravana had in similar fashion, corrupted the intellect of the people who started fighting and killing one another. He had deceptively created confusion in the minds of Shiva, Ramachandra and other divinities. When Shanishchara acquainted them with the sinister design of Ravana, they did not allow themselves to be misled by Ravana’s trickery. That’s how you and I, the offspring of our ancestors, those of kings and the sages are still alive. Now the diabolic operation of the banias has been exposed. They will indulge in all indulge in all kinds of trickery and deceit. Earlier they had trapped the kings in their web of deceit. What exactly was it is best known to them. It is a fact that the kings had disfigured the idols in their temples and even demolished the temples. They swore in the name of the cow and the pig and promised not to repeat their sinful activity and only then these wicked banias could escape the extreme punishment. But soon after the death of those kings, they were back with their game. They finished their rule and doomed their children. They did it in India. They took back the money that they had given to those kings with greater vengeance by destroying their children. They have been creating condition leading to drastic reduction in the world’s population. Earlier many more people lived on Earth. When Ramchandraji attacked Lanka to finish off the diabolic operation of Ravana, he had an army of 18 Padma (18 million billion). Naturally, all those soldiers must have been young. The old men, women and children must have been left behind. So you can imagine how many people must have been on Earth in those days. Now just have a look at the census in India. The population has been reduced considerably. But nobody seems to be concerned about it. The banias are adopting various methods to kill the people in the world. Guru Nanak has also written in his book that these infidels are not trustworthy. They are not to be trusted even if they swear in the name of their faith or do anything to prove their truthfulness. If somebody puts his hand first in a pot filled with ghee (Clarified butter) and then in a pot full of sesame seeds, his hand will be covered with innumerable seeds all over. Even if the banias swear as many times to prove their sincerity, they should not be trusted. During the times of Lord Krishna and later the people of the world could not be ensnared completely by Kansa, Narasingh and Guru Nanak cautioned them against the evil motives of the demons. That’s how our ancestors and their offspring could be saved from a total disaster so meticulously planned by the aforesaid demon kings. If during my life time these banias up their sinful activity, they too will be saved. I treat them as my benefactors just as I treat you, the people of world. But they are wicked by nature and will trap you in their game plan because you are not aware of their secret activity. They have tormented me at the site of their secret operation just as Ravana had tormented Shanishchara. That’s how I have come to know about their diabolic ritual. If they had intended to give up this sinful practice, they need not have played trick with you. But they want to mislead you and later on when you are no more they will ruin your children. That’s why I am worried. I am not alone. I too have other members of my family and community around me. Our entire generation is threatened. This has motivated me to write this book. They have resorted to this sinful practice because their ultimate goal is to ruin the whole world and then grab its economic and political power. If you love your children you the Englishmen, the Hindus, the Muslims should not let them cast their spell over you. Otherwise, they will plunder the entire wealth of all the countries and ruin your children. If on their own they chose up their sinful practice during my life time, they will be saved and their diabolic operation will come to an end. I am cautioning you time and again against their evil designs so that you are motivated to dismantle their diabolic operation because that alone will guarantee a happy and secured future of our children.
Posted on: Thu, 06 Jun 2013 05:28:33 +0000

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