Another testimonial! Thank you guys so much for taking the time to - TopicsExpress


Another testimonial! Thank you guys so much for taking the time to tell YOUR stories. It is because of you that the gym is even a possibility, and your inspiration is part of why others find us and call CFVB their home! Where do I even begin? Back in March, I decided that I was no longer happy with the status quo in my life. I was leaving for Mexico on a vacation and wanted to feel better about myself, in my own skin. My goals were PURELY superficial, at first. I looked online at ALL the gyms in the area and settled on trying out two of them. I went to the first gym, for approximately a week. I just didn’t like it. Coaches didn’t TRULY care about my goals, I was just another face. I immediately decided this wasn’t the spot for me. The next week, I reached out to Thomi and Rob and was greeted with a smile and a genuine interest in ME. I told Thomi how I injured my back and was looking for a gym that could get me in shape, all while helping me alleviate the pain in my lower back. I felt even more assured once I had found out that they were both level 2 certified coaches, amongst all their other accolades. Let’s think back to my original statement on how my goals were superficial. That ALL changed when I started at Crossfit VB. Thomi and Rob helped me realize that by adapting a mindset that this is a LIFE STYLE CHANGE, I can become an incredibly healthy person, with the collateral damage of looking damn good too! After about a month and a half of working out strong, I inevitably ran into issues with my back (herniated disk at L5 S1). I was crushed. I couldn’t walk for almost a week. I thought for SURE I was heading back to a sedentary life and my goals were ruined. No, not at Crossfit VB. AS SOON AS Thomi heard I was hurting, she told Rob about my back, and he immediately offered to COME TO MY HOUSE to do mobility work with me. He then spent over an hour and a half, hanging out with me at home, helping me get back on my feet. Through his dedication to making me healthier, I was able to nurse myself back to work within the week and back to the gym within two. But they didn’t stop there! For over 6 months now, Thomi and Rob have consistently monitored me pre, post, and during workouts. They scale me when needed (even if my hard headed self doesn’t want to) and they make sure I am staying consistent with my mobility. No, seriously, they MAKE me do mobility work, and I thank them after! Now on to the meat and potatoes (sweet potato of course) of this letter. When I walked through the doors of CFVB, I was a fluffy 271#. Six and a half months later, with a back flare up and minor setbacks, Thomi and Rob have brought me down to a crazy 225# and making me stronger EVERY SINGLE DAY. Now, my results have been CRAZY good. I can attest this to one thing and one thing only. I have two of the BEST coaches in the game, period. They care SO MUCH about each and every one of us. Whether it is 5:30am, or our new 7:30PM Oly and Power lifting classes, they are there prompt and super excited to see what we can do! I owe my renewed love of crossfit, and desire to mold a better me every day to these two individuals. Thomi and Rob taught me what it means to be healthy. They taught me, and continue to teach me how important nutrition, working out, and rest are, to my overall health. And most important of all, they teach each and every one of us at CFVB how to be better people by SHOWING true compassion towards us. I am not only a healthier person physically, I am better person because of them. Please choose Thomi and Rob. If ANYONE deserves recognition for their hard work and dedication to their athletes, it is Thomi and Rob.
Posted on: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 18:35:35 +0000

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