Another #testimonial from one of Dr. Bruce Lees patients he saved - TopicsExpress


Another #testimonial from one of Dr. Bruce Lees patients he saved from having to have a #hysterectomy due to #fibroid #tumors: Before having the Acessa Procedure created by Dr. Bruce Lee, I endured several years of symptoms that became progressively worse over time. Due to several Uterine Fibroids, some of which were quite large, I suffered through periods that were 12 to 14 days long and extremely heavy. By heavy, I mean huge volumes that no feminine hygiene products on the market could hold. For several days each month, I would dread leaving the house because of the explosive flooding that would occur suddenly, causing an accident that could be seen by others. Although, I didnt want to leave the house during those days, the obligation of my job as a teacher forced me out anyway… Therefore, disastrously embarrassing and humiliating accidents did occur. In an attempt to prevent these accidents, I devised my own contraption that could hold the volume produced by a sudden burst of flooding…The pain caused by my periods was intense. I relied on Aleve to get through it, but I still suffered immensely. Because of the heavy bleeding, there were many times I felt light-headed, dizzy and weak. I was severely anemic with a hemoglobin level of 7. Because of this severely low level, my OB-GYN suggested a transfusion and an immediate hysterectomy… I was reluctant to take the extreme measure of a hysterectomy and have irreversible side effects..I went to see other prominent OB-GYN doctors and surgeons in Orange County for second, third and fourth opinions. They all said the same thing: that in my case it wasnt feasible to only remove the fibroids; the whole uterus had to come out…One consult suggested Uterine Artery Embolization…this seemed better than a hysterectomy, but it had its own serious issues and shortcomings.. I pressed on, hoping, wishing, praying to find a better solution… I read about Dr. Bruce Lees Acessa Procedure on the Internet. After continued research, it was the Acessa Procedure that stood out as the one that offered the most hope. I called Dr. Lees office to inquire about the procedure. Dr. Lee evaluated my records and gave me a telephone consult about what the Acessa Procedure could do. It sounded even more promising after speaking with him. The only drawback was Dr. Lee was 400 miles away! And I wasnt sure if my insurance would cover it, there could be significant costs I incurred, however because my health is more important than my finances, I scheduled the Acessa Procedure with Dr. Lee. I began his directions on an iron supplementation program he designed for me to keep my hemoglobin up for surgery. The Acessa Procedure took six hours to complete due to the individual treatment of 25 fibroids. Some very large. Ten Months after the Acessa procedure and my life is VASTILY improved. My periods are now normal, no more flooding episodes, no more clots, no more embarrassing accidents, no more painful cramps, no more heavy flow, no more anemia, no more feeling faint, no more bleeding for 12 to 14 days out of every 28 days. Each month brings more improvement. The pain and suffering that I used to endure with my periods are gone. GONE! My uterus which was the size of a 16 week pregnancy because of all the fibroids, is now back to normal size. My tummy always used to protrude, but now, as an added bonus to the Acessa Procedure, it is completely flat. I whole-heartedly recommend Dr. Bruce Lees Acessa Procedure to any woman who is experiencing problems due to uterine fibroids. I shudder to think how close I came to being one of the women who after receiving the advise of FOUR doctors telling me I had to have a hysterectomy. I am so fortunate to have found Dr. Lee, who offers superior treatment for fibroids. It quite literally changed my life. My unending thanks goes to Dr. Bruce Lee for completely eradicating the horrible ordeal that I suffered with so long. Sincerely, S.H. Used with permission
Posted on: Fri, 05 Dec 2014 07:58:42 +0000

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