Another thing to note for those who study the higher sciences, - TopicsExpress


Another thing to note for those who study the higher sciences, even those are not pure. Depending on how you study you can be in dogma science just like you can be in dogma religion. I know it seems like this stuff goes on and on and deeper and deeper and you never get to the bottom but thats just the way it is. I have honestly begun to accept that I may never find a beginning to this stuff. All science is not true either and the higher sciences are manipulated to confuse those who do study. They lead you into the same symbolic sun...sol...aum worship and stuff as encoded within religions. Its the same ancient lies you found in religion, just repeated in the sciences to have the same affect. Thats why I say it is best to never be so quick to think you know or that your truth is actually true. Always be open to find out more because I thought I found it in religion then guess what! I thought I found it in Mysticism then guess what! I thought I found it in metaphysics then guess what! LOL. Dont try to talk about absolute truth, just focus on what you know to be false so far because what you think is true can be anything but and if you are a deep studier you should know that by now.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 05:11:09 +0000

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