Another week for Kayla....and boy, she does have some adventures! - TopicsExpress


Another week for Kayla....and boy, she does have some adventures! Enjoy! WELL. This week has been definitly that, a GREAT week!! It started with us seeing many people in Summerville and saying by, then we had a FANTASITC Transfer meeting (President Turner is SUPER funny, and very intune with the spirit, aka, hes my kinda president :D) and i am transfered toooooooo::: HOPKINS WARD. Which is in the Columbia Zone! And ready for the best part??? THE TEMPLE IS IN MY AREA! :D No really, we pass by it very often. Now we still dont ever go in, but we can park and eat in the parking lot, or just look at it if we have a few minutes, its truly the best area :) Now, i know President was inspired to send me here, because i simply has a testimony of that, but there is currently no ASL work here. Thats alright, i can fix that. So i am not teaching anyone whos deaf. Actually this area we dont have too many Investigators at all, but again, that can be arranged :) I am still allowed Language study every day that we usually do, so im still using it. But yep :) So these few days here in this area has been SO fun. It has been a little nuts, a few sisters in the last few months have gone home for medical reasons, so the ward is a little out of wack, but im here to stay.....i hope.....So my companion and I will get everything in gear. I am Currently with Sister (are you ready for this?) Schauerhamer. (im so happy i spelled that correct the first time :D) Its pronounced Shower-Hammer. Really easy, just looks scary. Kinda fits her. BUT I love her sooo much. She is different than any companion so far, but we will ROCK this area. Also, just an fyi, Kitt is a baptized confirmed member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints :D Took a long while, but hes there. And it was great. I wasnt able to go, as im in Columbia, but its alright. He was baptized!!! On Thursday, my first day here we had a storm roll in. Friday we had a flash flood warning, and we walk A LOT, so we got caught in the middle of the storm. Me in my love of rain....holy cow i loved ever second of it! Anyway so we had to go inside. And on the way home we saw a car stuck in the middle of the road, in the middle of a flooded area. Sister Schauerhamer was like....should we help them? I said we are already as wet as we could get, why not?! So we parked the car a little ways and got out, and started to run to the car. Well, it was a little more flooded than we thought, there were liertal CRASHING WAVES. On the ROAD. It was awesome. So as soon as we hit the flooded part it was as if we were in the ocean, you just cant run anymore. SO we waded though, first up to our ankles...then our the time it hit our knees we were lifting our skirts to not collect so much leaves and guck to it wasnt so the way...wet skirts are HEAVY. So we waded with our skirts high water past our knees to help this car get out of the road. What happened is they were going to fast and the car died on them once they hit the flooded area. it wouldnt even go into neutral. So we stayed with them until they had some family come and tow it, and talked with them a little about the gospel of course....everything we gave them was SOPPING of course. but thats okay :) We hope to hear from them, cause that was an awesome experience. The next morning in my studies....get this. Ive been studying in 3rd nephi as of late. And SATURDAY MORNING, the NEXT MORNING i was in 3 Nephi 14, and i read verses 24-27. Here: 24 Therefore, whoso heareth these sayings of mine and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, who built his house upon a rock— 25 And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not, for it was founded upon a rock. 26 And every one that heareth these sayings of mine and doeth them not shall be likened unto a foolish man, who built his house upon the sand— 27 And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell, and great was the fall of it. how hilarious was that. Heavenly Father has a funny side right??? I love this gospel, and how perfect it is! I love faith, i love the expample The brother of jared shows in ether 3 and how much he love Christ to a point where his faith couldnt even be faith, it was a pure knowing. And in ether 12 Moroni bears his testimony so strong, i can never deny it. I love being a missionry, and sharing this with so many people who already love Christ. I LOVE the South. It is my homeland!! The best place to be, It couldnt be finer than to live in Caroliner! I love you all!! I love hearing from you and the things yall have studied and learned from the scriptures. They are great things. Have a great week yall! Love forever, Sister Kayla Grover
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 01:02:14 +0000

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