Ans so is the randomness of my writings. First I refine my - TopicsExpress


Ans so is the randomness of my writings. First I refine my essay; Thesis: Environmental sustainability is not about a warming or cooling planet. It is not about stopping the White Rhino from reaching threatened status, it is not even about stopping the extinction of the Saola, commonly referred to as the Asian unicorn. Environmental sustainability has many critical roles but in this paper three will be of focus. The first is why, why is it important, you could do a lot and you could become an expert on the topic but without a logical why, it is unlikely that anything will change. The second is how, how can you help, what can you do, and what possible affect can it have. This paper may drive you to feel and may awaken your inner green thumb but if you don’t have tools to change than what change will actually happen. Finally it will touch on when, when should we do this and based on expert opinion how much time do we really have. There is a well-known saying, ‘Que Sera, Sera’ It means, whatever will be, will be. In the famous song first sung by Doris Day, it goes on to say, ‘The future is not ours to see’ and carries the message that things are as they are. This has been in many ways our view on environmental sustainability, sadly this is not 1956, and this type of methodology cannot continue. After I write more for my play; David: “Jacob are you mad? Did you not see did you not hear? Have you boy no fear? Fools like us are not meant to dream, not meant wonder what else could be. We work so we can live; we live so we may work. Count yourself lucky there are many others with far much more hurt.” Jacob: “Who brother, hurts more than I, perhaps a fool with but not even one eye? No, no not even the fool hurts as I! What gracious thanks I should show, to those who give me work so hunger may be a thing I never know. Yet no food will quench my hunger nor drink my thirst, for what I long for is her touch, starting with her tender lips first.” David: “We are paid to work, to lift and sweat, too haul and drag from the cruel Halifax Sea a bountiful net. We fill these bucks with fish from the sea. We take it to market so Quinn can sell them, do you not see? We are simple people of not notable concern, for this we should pray and bless all which we can earn. Now cast her from your mind as we are not those who are worth any of her time.”
Posted on: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 18:19:14 +0000

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