Answers to 23 Questions No One Ever Asks Me (Why 23? See - TopicsExpress


Answers to 23 Questions No One Ever Asks Me (Why 23? See no.7) 1. I have long ears. 2. My favorite color is the blue used in Renaissance paintings. 3. I love cathedrals. I may write about one some day. 4. In another life I would have become a designer of environmentally-friendly packaging. 5. I am left-handed. 6. My math SAT score was markedly higher than my English score. 7. I have a thing about prime numbers. I may write about them some day. 8. Growing up I went to a Quaker summer camp, and I still occasionally go to Quaker Meeting. 9. I used to play the clarinet. 10. I am happier when there is a cat in my life. 11. I always grit my teeth when I pet cats. 12. My father was a photographer for The Washington Post. 13. I take terrible photographs. 14. Granny Smith apples and sometimes yoghurt can make the skin under my eyes feel sweaty. 15. I talk to myself while walking down the street. 16. As a child I was President of the Laura Ingalls Wilder Club at our local library. 17. Some Like It Hot is the one movie guaranteed to make me laugh. 18. I only pretend to like tomatoes. 19. October is my favorite month. It is also my birthday month. The two are not related. 20. I ran a marathon even though I hate running. 21. I briefly learned how to solve a Rubik’s cube. 22. If I were to open a restaurant, it would be a tea and cake shop. 23. I stole the idea for this list from Joanne Harris’s website. Thanks, Joanne! tchevalier/index.php/about
Posted on: Wed, 31 Jul 2013 06:44:12 +0000

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