Answers to Questions on the Bible asked by Christians Source: - TopicsExpress


Answers to Questions on the Bible asked by Christians Source: themodernreligion/ comparative/christ/christianity_bible_Faq.htm Note: The following is written in the language that is intended as an invitation (Dawah) to Christians, from their biblical perspective. Question No.1 Jesus said: I and the Father are one (Jn.10:30), therefore, is not Jesus the same, or, co-equal in status with his Father? Answer No.1 In Greek, `heis means `one numerically (masc.) `hen means `one in unity or essence (neut.) Here the word used by John is `hen and not `heis. The marginal notes in New American Standard Bible (NASB) reads; one - (Lit.neuter) a unity, or, one essence. If one wishes to argue that the word `hen supports their claim for Jesus being co- equal in status with his Father, please invite his/her attention to the following verse: Jesus said: And the glory which Thou hast given me, I have given to them (disciples); that they may be one, just as we are one. (John 17:22). If he/she was to consider/regard/believe the Father and Jesus Christ to be one meaning co-equal in status on the basis of John 10:30, then that person should also be prepared to consider/regard/ believe them - the disciples of Jesus, to be co-equal in status with the Father and Jesus (just as we are one) in John 17:22. I have yet to find a person that would be prepared to make the disciples (students) co-equal in status with the Father or Jesus. The unity and accord was of the authorized divine message that originated from the Father, received by Jesus and finally passed on to the disciples. Jesus admitted having accomplished the work which the Father had given him to do. (Jn.17:4) Hot Tip (precise and pertinent) Jesus said: I go to the Father; for the Father is greater than I. (Jn.14:28). This verse unequivocally refutes the claim by any one for Jesus being co-equal in status with his Father. Question No.2 Jesus said: I am the way, one comes to the Father, but through me. (Jn.14:6), therefore, is not the Salvation through Jesus, ALONE? Answer No.2 Before Jesus spoke these words, he said; In my Fathers house are many mansions (dwelling places); if it were not so, I would have told you; for I go to prepare a mansion (a dwelling place) for you. (John 14:2). The above explicit statement confirms that Jesus was going to prepare a mansion and not all the mansions in my Fathers house. Obviously, the prophets that came before him and the one to come after, were to prepare the other mansions for their respective followers. The prophet that came after Jesus had evidently shown the current way to a modern mansion in the kingdom of heaven. Besides; the verse clearly states; Jesus was the WAY to a mansion. It is a folly to believe that Jesus (or any prophet) was the DESTINATION. Jesus said; I am the door to find the pasture. (Jn.10:9). A sheep that walks through the door will find the pasture. A sheep that circles around the door will never find the pasture. One who crosses over the way will reach the mansion. Anyone that stops on the way and believes the way to be the end of his/her journey, will be out in the open without any shelter and a roof. Hot Tip (precise and pertinent) Jesus said; Not every one that says to me; `Lord, Lord, will enter the kingdom of heaven; but he who does the will of my Father, who is in heaven. (Mt.7:21). Question No.3 Jesus said: He who has seen me has seen the Father (Jn.14:9), does this not prove that Jesus Christ and his Father were one and the same? Answer No.3 One day to prove a point and settle an argument, Jesus picked up a child and said to his disciples; Whoever receives this child in my name receives me; and whoever receives me receives Him who sent me; (Luke 9:48). Jesus said; He who believes in me does not believe in me, but in Him who sent me. (John 12:44) He who hates me hates my Father also. ...but now they have both seen and hated me and my Father as well. (John 15:23-24) And this is eternal life, that they may know Thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom Thou hast sent. (John 17:3). The call of sincerity demands that if believing in the Truth is the honest intention then one could only pass an ethical judgement after reflecting upon all the relevant texts. John 17:3 (quoted above), if read with the following verse clears the air. Hot Tip (precise and pertinent) Jesus said; Truly, truly, I say to you, a slave is not greater than his master; neither one who is sent greater than the one who sent him. (John 13:16). During his ministry, Jesus repeatedly said he was sent by his Father. Question No.4 The Bible; For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have eternal life. (John 3:16); should you not believe in Jesus to have eternal life? Answer No.4 Of course, we believe in Jesus for what he was and we do not believe in what he was not. We Muslims believe Jesus was a Messiah; Spirit from God; Word of God; the righteous Prophet as well as Messenger of God and the son of Virgin Mary. But, we do not believe Jesus was the begotten son of God. The truth of the matter is apostle John never ever wrote; Jesus was the begotten son of God. Please obtain a copy of the `Gideon Bible from a Hotel or Motel near you. It is distributed free since 1899, all over the world, by The Gideon Society. In the beginning of this famous Bible, John 3:16 is translated in 26 popular world languages. You may be amazed to discover that in the English translation, the editors have used the traditionally accepted term His only begotten son. Whereas, in several other languages the editors have used the term His unique son or His one of a kind son. In 1992, when I discovered this textual variations, I wrote letters to various universities in North America requesting them to confirm the original Greek term used by John. Below is a copy of the response received from The George Washington University:- John 3:16 and John 1:18 each have the word `monogenes in Greek. This word ordinarily means of a single kind. As a result, unique is a good translation. The reason you sometimes find a translation that renders the word as only begotten has to do with an ancient heresy within the church. In response to the Arian claim that Jesus was made but not begotten, Jerome (4th century) translated the Greek term `monogenes into Latin as `unigenitus (only begotten). Paul B. Duff, 22 April, 1992. Professor Duffs response was based upon `Anchor Bible, volume 29, page 13-14. The Greek term for begotten is `gennao as found in Mt.1:2, which John did not use. Hot Tip (precise and pertinent) Jesus said to Mary; ...go to my brethren, and say to them, I ascend to my Father and your Father... (John 20:17). This verse demonstrates that the usage of term `Father was purely metaphorical. As for Jesus being a unique son, he, unlike us, was created without a physical Father. Question No.5 Jesus said: Truly, truly. I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. (John 3:3); I am a born again Christian, are you a born again Muslim? Answer No.5 The truth of the matter is apostle John did not use the phrase born again. The Greek text reveals, the phrase used by John is born from above. The Greek word used by John is `anothen (`ano + `then). `ano means `above and the suffix `then denotes `from. Hence, what Jesus said was unless one is born from above, he cannot see the kingdom of God. And, that sounds logical. Since none of the living creature is born from above, no one can see the kingdom heaven during his life time. The concept of being born again to see the kingdom of heaven is an innovation to instill the concept of Baptism. The same word `anothen appears in the same Gospel and in the same chapter in verse 31. Here the editors have translated the word as from above and not again. This further supports the logic of Jesus having said; born from above. To enter the Kingdom of Heaven one has to keep the Commandments. Gods distinguished Command known as the `Covenant of Circumcision (physically, in the flesh of your foreskin) was an everlasting Covenant (Compact,Treaty) between God and man. See Genesis 17:10-14. Can an everlasting Treaty be abrogated or revoked unilaterally? Did Jesus abrogate it? No. Jesus was circumcised in the flesh (Luke 2:21). We, Muslim males, are circumcised. Are the male Christians circumcised in the flesh of their foreskins? If not, please read the following verse:- Hot Tip Jesus said; Whoever then annuls (discards) one of the least of these commandments, and so teaches others, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever keeps and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. (Matt. 5:19).
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 16:26:18 +0000

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