Answers to Yesterday’s Game by Marissa Michaels Yesterday, you - TopicsExpress


Answers to Yesterday’s Game by Marissa Michaels Yesterday, you were answering the question: what action(s) can you take this week to gain clarity regarding your life path? *How you felt about your selection relates to how you feel about doing the actions you are called to take this week.* RED=Grounding. This week, take moments to consciously ground your energy into the earth. You can do this in a variety of ways, so choose whichever way feels most right to you: You can visualize roots growing out of your feet that stretch deep into the earth. You can imagine a beautiful grounding chord extending from your root chakra deep into Mother Earth. You can walk outside barefoot. You can touch or hug a tree or plant. Whatever method you choose, take a few moments to consciously inhale and exhale, feel the communion of your energy with that of the earth’s, and set an intention of being fully present in the NOW. This week, your reconnection to the earth’s energy is likely to invoke many symbols, impressions, messages, sounds and feelings within you. Be present as you experience them, as that information is coming to you for a reason. ORANGE=Get Creative. This week, take a moment to tap into your creativity. You can do any creative task that speaks to you – writing, drawing, painting, acting, creating a vision board, creating an inspiring board on your Pinterest page, etc. The important thing is that you do at least one creative task this week, even if it means that you are able to devote only 15 minutes to it. Your creativity is calling to be unleashed this week. By tapping into this side of yourself, you may release an energy block, tap into potential or information that you were not previously aware of, and/or get clearer on your next best steps. YELLOW=Celebrate Yourself. This week, create a list of 5-10 activities that you would really enjoy doing for yourself (and maybe haven’t done in quite a long time or ever). Your list can include simple tasks like getting a massage, going to a bookstore that has interested you, taking a hike in a new location, etc. After you create this list, select the one activity that most speaks to you. Try to do this activity alone. Because you are being called to celebrate yourself, the focus should be on you as much as possible, rather than you and another person. By treating yourself to a special activity this week, you are honoring the divine within you. And, chances are, you chose this color because you have been giving an inordinate amount of your time and energy to others without saving enough for yourself. It’s time to honor you! GREEN=Make a Connection. This week, it’s important for you to make a new connection. The new connection may come in the traditional form of a contact that you have not yet made or solidified, or it may come in the form of you reconnecting with a prior contact but in a new way. Is there someone or something – an organization, activity, cause, etc. – that you have been meaning to call or email? Have you had an inkling to reach out to a certain person? Or, maybe you need to reconnect with yourself? Well, this week, it is time to do it! Make that call. Send that email. Schedule that meeting. Carve out that alone time that you’ve been craving. The connection you are called to make is likely to create some “freshness” or “newness” in your life. It may come in the form of a new idea, attitude, or other breakthrough that gives you a fresh perspective on your own life. And, it’s likely to be just the piece or insight you need to move forward with clarity and confidence! LIGHT BLUE=Stand in Your Power and Own Your Voice. This week, it’s critical that you honor your thoughts and feelings, trust in yourself, and allow your voice to be heard. You may want to start out simply: give yourself free license to sing loudly in the shower or in your car, carve some time out to journal or free write, or give yourself the space to openly talk to your Guides about what’s important to you (even if you are still questioning whether you really have Guides or whether they are listening). Set the intention that you will stand in your power and own your voice this week, and see how it makes you feel. You are being called to own your voice this week because what you think and feel is important. You have important insights to share. As Cheryl Richardson has said, “Stop hiding your light. The world needs your illumination.” DARK BLUE=Focus on What You See. This week, pay particular attention to any repetitive symbols, images, colors, shapes, etc. that you see. Clairvoyant images are coming to you for a reason this week, and the more you can identify and track those images, the better. Even if the images do not make sense to you at first, write them down. Over several days, you are likely to notice patterns and consistencies among the images or messages that you are receiving. Keep in mind that these images may come to you in different forms (i.e., as actual images that you see in physical reality, as images that you see through your third eye, etc.) AND at different times – while dreaming, driving, meditating, exercising, watching TV, checking Facebook, etc. Have fun tracking your images, and get ready to “download” some pretty incredible information this week! PURPLE=Connect with the Divine. This week, it’s important for you to connect with the Divine. This may manifest in different forms. Perhaps it’s time for you to connect with your Guides through meditation. Perhaps it’s time for you to connect with a deceased loved one through meditation, dream journaling, or writing an actual letter to that person. Perhaps it’s time for you to take a walk in nature because that is where you feel most connected to Source. The form in which you connect with the Divine is not as important as the connection itself. Simply set the intention and carve out the time to make the connection, and pay attention to the information that flows to you before, during, and after the connection. Some powerful healing energy is likely to be coming your way. BLACK=Give Yourself a Break. This week, it’s important for you to unplug, relax, and ease up on yourself. You may have been drawn to this color because you’ve been pulled in too many directions lately, or you may have been too hard on yourself recently. Now is the time to recharge, and be kind to yourself. If you can reduce your time spent on technology this week, do it. That means cutting yourself off from email at a certain time, reducing the amount of time you are on social media, watching less TV, etc. Simplicity is the key for you this week. Give yourself that gift. WHITE=Time to Organize. This week, it’s important for you to reduce the clutter and organize yourself! You may have been drawn to this color because you have a million ideas, thoughts, and goals to accomplish, but the sheer number of things on your “to do” list is preventing you from feeling like you are getting anything actually accomplished. Start out by simplifying your life. If you can reduce clutter around you, do it. If you have contacts on your phone or on your social media accounts that are no longer serving you, erase them. Make things easier for yourself by creating lists so that you can see what needs to get done. This week, you will be well served to get things in order, tie up loose ends, and avoid procrastination. It feels like you are being prepared to take off on an amazing journey, so this preparation beforehand is key.
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 19:30:01 +0000

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