Anti 2nd Amendment group comes to Kansas. The price of freedom is - TopicsExpress


Anti 2nd Amendment group comes to Kansas. The price of freedom is eternal vigilance. This from Patricia Annie Oakley Stoneking. Patricia Annie Oakley Stoneking November 17 at 3:41pm ***URGENT ALERT KANSAS GUN OWNERS*** Kansas Gun Owners, the Brady Campaign has opened a Chapter in Kansas and intends to lobby the Kansas Legislature for gun control measures. Brady is lobbying for background checks to be done on all private sales and they have filed a lawsuit against Kansas demanding that the Second Amendment Protection Act passed in 2013 be repealed. The 2015 session of the Kansas Legislature convenes January 12th. This will be the first time that Brady has directly targeted Kansas with their attacks on gun rights. They are in cahoots with Mom’s Demand Action, Bloomberg and have millions of dollars at their disposal to spend on anti-Second Amendment campaigns to influence legislators and citizens. These insidious people have been working hard for several months to capture the support of churches and school administrators in Kansas and it’s working with some. They are making progress. NOW IS NOT THE TIME TO BE COMPLACENT! While we have made great strides in Kansas, we will now find our job much more difficult. It is imperative that gun owners in Kansas stand united and we need your support. If you are not a member of the KSRA, please join today! There is strength in numbers! We MUST show we are an unstoppable force to be reckoned with. If you are already a member, please consider a donation to the KSRA general fund in any amount you can afford so that we have the resources necessary to battle these anti-gun groups who wish to strip you of your rights. Please folks, don’t be naïve. Our Legislature, even with the majority being pro-Second Amendment, may be unwilling to pass a Brady supported bill but they may wish to avoid the controversy altogether. This can make leadership decide to not bring up our gun bills this year so there will be no vote and we make no progress. We still have work to do such as Constitutional Carry but it will be controversial even among some of our supporters and our legislative leadership could shy away from what will be major negative media exposure by just refusing to hear our bills. Do you want us spending an entire legislative session fighting off anti-Second Amendment legislation being lobbied for by the Brady Gun Control Lobby or do you want us to further lift restrictions on your rights? That is the question at hand! Folks, please, this is not fear mongering for money and memberships. This is a serious plea because we have a fight on our hands and it takes numbers and money to win a battle such as this. If you value your gun rights, and I think you do, then please do all you can to support our effort to fight these gun grabbing monsters who prefer to make you all defenseless victims. Kansas has a target on its back. Let’s make sure we are prepared to show Brady the door out of Kansas! And if you wish to express your desire for the Brady Campaign to pack up and leave Kansas you can contact the President of their new Kansas Chapter at 913-991-4940.
Posted on: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 19:52:43 +0000

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